Update 8 for Creature Lab - a new limb + a plethora of fixes

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist! Conduct crazy experiments, mix mutagens, breed abominable creatures, and attach monstrous body parts to them. Manage your inventory, expand your lab, and make sure your hideout is safe. Send your creations into the city to obtain salvage and test subjects!

Hi, resurrectors of the human-sourced dead matter! [b]As promised, we continue to deliver the updates for Creature Lab - and new limbs for your mutants with them! [/b]Today our offer is a bit tentacley one. You'd think that having the octopus-like leg would not be useful on, you know, land. But a brilliant (and appropriately mad) mind can make everything work! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/8ac0e9be76aa6bed570537233b48db85acb90976.gif[/img] Octopus Legs are very useful in combat, so expect a raise in minimal and maximal damage. They are also quite sturdy, so the mutant armed with them will have better vitality. It will also get SLOW special ability, because hey, what you have expected while using sea creature parts on the beforementioned land! As per usual, you can unlock the limb by progressing the story or will have it unlocked automatically if you have progressed beyond the point of unlocking it. In addition, we bring a lot of major and minor fixes with this patch. We have made the map widgets UI cleaner, so expect some frames in the mission report or district panel to change positions a bit. [b]With this change, we have eliminated the need to scroll some of the lists vertically and horizontally, such as substance list.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/05456c00c80e567c1d730e2cff3d8906a8efb62c.jpg[/img] [b]We have also amended specific but persistent issues with nourishing creatures, as well as Dark Web errors with a mixture of descriptions and rewards.[/b] We also removed a small bug in the container cleaning system introduced in the last patch. We have also added further revisions to the Chinese translation. Enjoy the game and we'll be back soon with more updates! [h2]Update 8 for Creature Lab - a new limb + a plethora of fixes[/h2] [quote] We also want to send special thanks to all the people whose feedback is helping us to combat the most persistent issues in the game. Especially those community members that send us their DxDiag files, save files, and other data that help us directly in locating and reproducing the issues. Big kudos! [/quote] The patch introduces the following changes: [list] [*] added a new limb to use in the game - Octopus Leg [*] added a counter of substances the player has in storage to the map UI [*] changed the positioning of map widgets (mission start, mission end report, and district view) for clarity [*] removed the necessity of scrolling the lists in map widgets (mission start, mission end report, and district view) [*] resolved the issue of limbs locking themselves after being unlocked in the tutorial [*] resolved the issue of removing a container from the basket with the R key causing the basket slot to be permanently unusable [*] resolved the issue with nourishing a mutant on Normal and Hard due to which the game accepted only the same activator as used when making the mutant, where it should accept any activator [*] resolved the issue with nourishing a mutant on Insane, due to which the game didn't allow the use of elixirs and prompted the not-compatible info when using the correct mutagen [*] resolved the issue of players receiving improper mutagens and elixirs (such as substances without activators classified as mutagens) as Dark Web rewards [*] amended the commission descriptions in Dark Web to better convey that the wanted elixirs should have certain elements, but not exclusively those elements [*] updated Chinese translations for better localization quality [/list] [b]For the map freeze issue, we are still seeking videos of the issue happening[/b], so if you have such a video or would be able to make one, we would be grateful if you sent it our way at marek@imagepower.pl, on the Steam forum, or via our Discord. We also would be grateful for the DxDiag.txt file to check if the configurations have a part in generating the issue. [b]If you are experiencing the issue with a black screen appearing after the Image Power logo and not loading the game further, please check if your configuration meets the minimum requirements as described on the Steam store page.[/b] If it meets the requirements, we kindly ask you to send your DxDiag.txt file to marek@imagepower.pl, on the Steam forum, or via our Discord, to analyze your configuration. As usual, we invite you to use our dedicated bug reporting thread in our Steam discussions: [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1309990/discussions/0/3809529789908529375/]https://steamcommunity.com/app/1309990/discussions/0/3809529789908529375/[/url] [hr][/hr] And remember that you can ask us directly about anything via Discord: [url=https://discord.com/invite/wnX4tvhASg][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/e080e0780af43535ea37d3036dc8563185cca2e3.png[/img][/url] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1309990/Creature_Lab/