Patch 4 for Creature Lab - temporary fix to save-related issues

Creature Lab

Become a mad scientist! Conduct crazy experiments, mix mutagens, breed abominable creatures, and attach monstrous body parts to them. Manage your inventory, expand your lab, and make sure your hideout is safe. Send your creations into the city to obtain salvage and test subjects!

Hi, mutagen-mixing geniuses, In the last few days, you have reported some issues that seemed to be centered around saving games - some more serious, like losing part of the progress, some smaller, but still affecting the quality of the experience. We have determined that the source for many of these issues is a bug that is connected with sending scientists on a mission. We have also determined that we will need more time to eliminate the issue. [b]Due to that, we decided to temporarily block the possibility of sending the scientist to missions, so no more players would experience save-related issues coming from this source.[/b] Upon fixing the issue for good, we will unlock the scientist for missions once again. [b]The next patch is scheduled for Monday. [/b]We hope that by then we will be able also to provide a permanent fix for the scientific issue. As always, thank you for actively supporting the game and helping us with ironing out bugs and glitches! For this patch, we wanted to especially thank also all the players that were kind enough to share their save files and specs with us - you helped a lot with this one! [h2]Patch 4 for Creature Lab[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/27ba28ae4c30f68a079896e2288cc15a5b00a407.jpg[/img] The patch introduces the following changes: [list] [*] blocked sending the scientist to missions to remove the possibility of generating further save-related issues for players [*] restored the missing highlights of equipment and body (tutorial hints) in the mission of creating a second mutant in the tutorial [*] removed the issue with unpinned substance becoming pinned again upon leaving a computer panel screen [*] removed the issue where skipping a day in tutorial mission in the district with a hospital resulted in a total freeze [*] removed a minor issue with the Start Mission button, which resulted in UI-related glitches [/list] Please also know that we are working on all the technical issues reported by you: [b]For the black screen issue[/b] upon trying to run the game, we have determined from the data gathered from players that the most likely reason for the issue may be that system configurations don't meet the minimal requirements for the game - but we continue to investigate further. [b]For the map freeze issue[/b], we are unable to reproduce the bug in the testing environment. We suspect that it is either very rare, or it triggers upon very specific conditions. To get the chance at reproducing it properly[b], we are seeking videos of the issue happening[/b], so if you have such a video or would be able to make one, we would be grateful if you sent it to our way at, on the Steam forum, or via our Discord. We also woul be grateful for DxDiag.txt files to check if the configurations have a part in generating the issue. As usual, we invite you to use our dedicated bug reporting thread in our Steam discussions: [url=][/url] [hr][/hr] And remember that you can ask us directly about anything via Discord: [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39596769/e080e0780af43535ea37d3036dc8563185cca2e3.png[/img][/url]