Tactical card battles and narrative RPG exploration in a world of monsters and anomalies. As one of the last remnants of humanity, trapped in the Zone, it's your turn to become a Stalker and walk where others fear to tread.
Since our last few updates have suffered delays, I decided to push one out a little early for once!
There's a few new features I'm excited about in this update, though probably the most effort has gone into testing and bugfixing. (Shout-outs to zdenbartal for reporting a bunch of issues I wasn't aware of.) As a result, you can see the changelog has a whole laundry list of things that now work properly. I also dropped the health on a couple of bosses to prevent big difficulty spikes.
You, our players, have so much power to change the game for the better -- just by leaving feedback and positive reviews. So don't hold back!
Now, a preview of the new stuff:
[i](Ooh, what do all the shiny new icons do?!)[/i]
The promised revamp of the research tree has officially begun. I'm still fleshing it out, but there's already been significant changes, especially the introduction of class-unique options that unlock more cards and bonuses. Whether you're a Kinetic, Telepath or Augmenter, you'll find a couple of strong upgrades waiting for you that should make a significant difference to how each class feels to play. And if you don't like your choices, there is now an easy and clearly-marked way to respec mid-game.
Next month will probably see a lot of work on controller support, and a more comprehensive tutorial for the inventory. It's been far too common for players to not know how to use consumables, or end up struggling with the interface in some other way, making it an issue that I badly need to address.
After all, an indie game that's not accessible to new players is dead on arrival.
Time will tell how far I get in one month. For now... Happy Stalking, and I'll see you all in the [b]Zone[/b]!
v0.7.5.6 Changelog:
[*] Cleaned up research tree
[*] New research options
[*] Class-unique research options
[*] Card removal & respec functionality
[*] Improved quest data management
[*] Adjusted difficulty on several bosses (Train Yard, Down the Hatch)
[*] New abilities on mutant prawn boss
[*] Back-end changes and improvements to status effects
[*] Fixed Chapter 2 ending scene not triggering properly
[*] Fixed problems with certain area triggers
[*] Fixed unlockable dialogue not unlocking
[*] Fixed potential crash when entering/leaving indoor areas
[*] Fixed crashes in quest log
[*] Fixed quest hint button activating improperly
[*] Fixed intermittent problem with quests
[*] Fixed intermittent problem with loading saves
[*] Fleeing from train yard boss no longer locks you into the encounter
[*] Fixed several problems with market UI
[*] Fixed voice beeps continuing infinitely when returning to main menu
[*] Fixed freeze/crash when clicking through dialogue quickly
[*] Fixed other dialogue crashes
[*] Fixed resistances/immunities not working in some cases
[*] Fixed certain animations showing in the wrong place
[*] Several fixes to Cyn's Favour quest
[*] AoE debuffs now spawn multiple animations properly
[*] Player kick pose is now handled properly
[*] Finishing a side job no longer moves inventory items to Storage
[*] Fixed side job upgrade buttons appearing in the wrong place
[*] Overturned train in train yard no longer confuses scanner
[*] All rabbit hole shortcuts now work properly
[*] Extermination quest building in Wharf can no longer be entered prematurely
[*] Displayed cash value is now consistent for equipped items
[*] Fleeing now subtracts the correct amount of resources
[*] Slightly improved odds of fleeing combat
[*] Resisted debuffs are now shown properly