Tactical card battles and narrative RPG exploration in a world of monsters and anomalies. As one of the last remnants of humanity, trapped in the Zone, it's your turn to become a Stalker and walk where others fear to tread.
Hail and well met!
January has been a slow period for Zone, as I've been dreadfully preoccupied with job hunting (starvation holds very little appeal for me) -- but even so, we're still making important progress.
v0.6.7.3 features a few crucial fixes, and paves the way for better pathfinding, particularly for enemies. A frequent complaint I hear is about the combat being based largely on sudden random encounters, so one of my current goals is to make more encounters visible and predictable on the exploration map.
In less good news, controller support is clearly broken on many levels, so I've removed it from our store page until I can find time to completely reimplement it.
I've also been paying for some of the shortcuts I took early on in the shift to Godot. A number of hours have had to go towards tidying up and re-testing things I should've done differently in the first place... But it ultimately results in a better, cleaner codebase, so it's by no means a waste of time.
As always, I'm excited to keep rolling into the next update. Until then!
[*] Fixed crash on game load when using Crackling Eyepatch/Antenna
[*] Fixed bug when defeating sinkhole side job boss
[*] Fixed hospital endboss story/encounter
[*] Added flee option for hospital endboss encounter
[*] Combat can no longer immediately re-trigger on load or after death
[*] Fixed softlock on Cyn's Favour quest
[*] Fixed cards getting disabled when cancelling flee menu
[*] Text speed and volume settings are now properly applied after loading
[*] Added (almost) all missing boss sounds in Hospital biome
[*] Improved combat loading
[*] Fixed issue with player lighting in combat