Tactical card battles and narrative RPG exploration in a world of monsters and anomalies. As one of the last remnants of humanity, trapped in the Zone, it's your turn to become a Stalker and walk where others fear to tread.
After last month's massive update, this one needs to be a touch more humble... but still features some major news.
The biggest change is, we're introducing a shiny Fog of War system. From now on you'll need to properly explore and uncover areas, and you can see your progress as you go -- progress which will be stored in your saved games.
This also makes the scanner more useful as it will help to keep you pointed you in the right directions.
Other highlights include new hand-crafted art and animations for the Power Plant boss, and a much more comprehensive battle tutorial. This tutorial will go into detail about important mechanics of which even veteran players might not be fully aware.
Lastly, we're raising the price of the game by $1 in consideration of all the new content. There's a lot more game now than there was, and I believe the price should reflect the year of hard work we've put in.
For the next update I intend to focus on introducing several new enemies and, particularly, writing -- two half-implemented side quests need to be finished up, and there is progress to be made on the main quest as well.
As always, please report any issues you come across, and I shall fix them ASAP!
PS. If you happen to know anyone who might be interested in helping with art, game design, or marketing/promotion, do tell them to get in touch. It would make a big difference.
[*] New interactive battle tutorial
[*] Persistent Fog of War on exploration map
[*] New art & mechanics for Power Plant boss
[*] Engine update to Godot 3.6 RC1
[*] Added visible numbers when gaining Shield, damaging Shield, and healing
[*] New backgrounds and replaced temp backgrounds for some battles
[*] Reworked area transition system
[*] Reworked combat positioning, with new abilities for some enemies
[*] Added Falloff card property
[*] Added TTS to research screens
[*] Fixed crash on Power Plant boss attack
[*] Fixed rare softlock when loading
[*] Fixed problems with Scanner & improved performance
[*] Some general fixes to card tips
[*] Some intro rewrites for brevity
[*] Fixed buff durations showing in the wrong place on some cards
[*] Removed unreliable item encountered mechanic
[*] Fixed player buffs not showing on combat start
[*] Fixed Slimed and other cards not respecting Unchanging property
[*] Fixed some shader issues in Power Plant boss room
[*] Fixed some audio issues in Power Plant boss room
[*] Fixed erroneous voice ticks in PoIs
[*] Fixed occasional problems with Stamina readout
[*] Fixed superfluous damage numbers showing on rare occasions
[*] Visual improvements to some Power Plant rooms
[*] Inventory now properly defaults to Storage if no Pack equipped
[*] Various new, clearer icons
[*] Better normal map loading for some battle backgrounds
[*] Added controller version of area transition hint