Tactical card battles and narrative RPG exploration in a world of monsters and anomalies. As one of the last remnants of humanity, trapped in the Zone, it's your turn to become a Stalker and walk where others fear to tread.
Quick fix for some critical issues as well as a few smaller ones:
[*] Fixed crash in Chapter 2 ending
[*] Fixed crash in Power Plant exterior after defeating Wharf and Power Plant bosses
[*] Fixed Power Plant exterior Fog of War not covering whole area
[*] Fixed crashes on area transitions/freeing up memory
[*] Fixed Spray Can not appearing in Power Plant
[*] Fixed Irradiated debuff turning victims too bright
[*] Fixed Rufus's Lifeline quest triggering inappropriately
[*] Fixed music not playing on load in certain areas
[*] Fixed rabbit hole pop-up behaviour