Update #19! Franco-Prussian War update

Rising Front

A FPS WW1 & Revolutionary War battle simulator with a focus on Workshop Content, rag-doll physics, intelligent AI, massive battles, procedural AI cover system, real-time building system and FPS combat!

Hey everyone! this update features an entire new Franco-Prussian War along with some much needed optimizations and bug fixes! [h1]Additions/Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed Static Emplacements not being on the correct team [*] Fixed Stuttering on larger maps [*] Updated Pitch/Yaw for projectiles [*] Fixed Command Map locking up sometimes [*] Improved Nav mesh on some maps [*] Fixed AI struggling to cross bridges [*] Default weather changed to Sunny [*] 10% framerate optimizations [*] Flag Bearers [/list] [h2]New Platoons, Maps & Buildables[/h2] [list] [*] Star Fort Map [*] Siege Map [*] CountrySide Map [*] Bavarian Rifle Platoon [*] French Artillery Platoon [*] French Chassseurs Platoon [*] French Garde Platoon [*] French Line Infantry Platoon [*] Prussian Jager Platoon [*] Prussian Artillery Platoon [*] Prussian Landwehr Platoon [*] Prussian line Infantry Platoon [*] 4 pounder gun (Grapeshot) [*] Mitrailleuse Volley Gun [*] 12 Pounder gun [*] 24 Pounder Siege Gun [*] 4 Pounder Gun [*] 8 Pounder Gun [*] La Hitte Cannon [*] Krupp Cannon [*] Dirt Mound [*] Sandbag Fortification [*] Sandbag Fortification Curved [*] Sandbag Fortification Firehole [*] Sandbag Fortification Low [*] Siege Ladder [/list] Hope you all enjoy this update! I've made lots of progress on the upcoming tank update and it should be out soon!