Update #12 WORKSHOP SUPPORT + Modding Competition!

Rising Front

A FPS WW1 & Revolutionary War battle simulator with a focus on Workshop Content, rag-doll physics, intelligent AI, massive battles, procedural AI cover system, real-time building system and FPS combat!

Hey everyone, workshop support is finally out! I hope you enjoy and I can't wait to see all the mods you create! [h1]Modding Competition Details[/h1] There is a total Prize pool of $2,000 (USD) for the best mods! [list] [*] $500 for most subscribed [*] $400 for 2nd most subscribed [*] $300 for 3rd most subscribed [*] $300 for Most Innovative [*] $300 for Developers Choice [*] $200 for Most Fun [/list] [h2]Rules/details[/h2] [list] [*] It ends on November 18th and I will Contact the winners regarding payment by adding them on steam through this account (jack) [*] To receive payment you must have Paypal or Zelle (if you don't we can try and work something else out) [*] Each mod can ONLY win in 1 category [*] Any content in mod must be created by you, or used Legally (under a creative commons license) [*] No Subscription botting is allowed, if fraud is suspected you will be disqualified. [*] Mods created by the Developers will not be included in the competition (civil war mod, renault ft17, MG42 and so on) [/list] Here's a set of Modding Tutorials to get you started: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLd6tSO0IajkpMvNhWUzaURIc1TAx-W6HT&si=rUPCan1MMbT5bxgC join our discord for help/questions with modding! discord.gg/rol [h1]Changes/Additions[/h1] [list] [*] Steam Workshop Support! [*] Custom Buildables [*] Custom Weapons [*] Custom Static Emplacements [*] Custom Scenarios [*] Custom Soldiers [*] Gas [*] Fixed player getting stuck on death screen [*] Fixed platoons not pushing forward across empty fields [*] Fixed bloom [*] Updated weapon system to allow for scopes [*] Updated platoon system to allow for scrolling [*] Artillery is now less accurate [*] Tutorials on modding [/list] Enjoy! Leave any questions/suggestions in the comments below!