Update #15 Modding Competition & bug fixes!

Rising Front

A FPS WW1 & Revolutionary War battle simulator with a focus on Workshop Content, rag-doll physics, intelligent AI, massive battles, procedural AI cover system, real-time building system and FPS combat!

Hello! This is a small update that fixes a few bugs, and announces the new $2,000 Modding Competition! [h1]Competition Details[/h1] It ends January 27th, the categories are: [list] [*] $400 for most innovative [*] $400 for most fun [*] $400 best ww1 mod [*] $400 best custom map [*] $100 best scenario [*] $100 funniest mod [*] $100 developers choice [*] $100 staff members choice [/list] Good luck and happy Modding! If you have any ideas for me click this link! [url=https://forms.gle/hKT1fu8WHAfprocJA]Feedback Survey[/url] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HiSlkdrlGbeen9RczPE0GzWMwKPKPagaShEPzjUGRWo/edit?usp=sharing]Modding Tutorial[/url]