Update #7! Controllable Artillery, Commanding Box Selection, Custom Scenarios!

Rising Front

A FPS WW1 & Revolutionary War battle simulator with a focus on Workshop Content, rag-doll physics, intelligent AI, massive battles, procedural AI cover system, real-time building system and FPS combat!

Hey Everyone! Sorry again for the delay on this update, the artillery was a bit harder to implement then I thought it would be. Over the summer i'm going to try and have more frequent Bi-Weekly updates! [h1]Changes/Additions[/h1] [list] [*] Controllable Artillery [*] New buildable (Artillery piece 1) [*] New buildable (Artillery piece 2) [*] Indicators for which scenarios have been played [*] Indicators for which scenarios have been completed [*] Artillery now damages the player [*] Fixed bug where artillery does way to much damage to structures [*] Multiselect troop button [*] Custom scenarios section [/list] Hope you all like the update! let me know any bugs/suggestions you have in the comments below!