A FPS WW1 & Revolutionary War battle simulator with a focus on Workshop Content, rag-doll physics, intelligent AI, massive battles, procedural AI cover system, real-time building system and FPS combat!
Hey everyone! This is a small update to address the bugs that came with mod support along with some optimization and a few other small changes! Enjoy!
[b]IF YOU ARE A MODDER PLEASE REUPLOAD YOUR MOD USING THE NEW MODDING TOOLS TO MAKE IT MAC COMPATIBLE[/b] [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HiSlkdrlGbeen9RczPE0GzWMwKPKPagaShEPzjUGRWo/edit?usp=sharing]Modding Tools Download (updated 10/4/2023)[/url]
[h1]What's New?[/h1]
[*] Modders can now change range and speed of soldiers
[*] Fixed weapon icon getting stuck on screen
[*] increased max soldier draw distance
[*] Fixed Mods on mac (some mods that have not been updated may not work)
[*] Major mesh optimization on soldiers
[*] First person Shirt changes color based on Platoons Nearby
[*] Loading Screen for mods to prevent crashing