Wield an ever-growing herd of quirky creatures to rebuild broken paths, battle perilous beasts, and solve peculiar puzzles in a rich, interconnected world. Join two young runaways as they unravel the mysteries of a lost realm in this nostalgic storybook fantasy!
So uh, we goofed! In between 1.013.0 and we introduced a couple of new bugs, such as messing up people's heart counts, and preventing a particular achievement (the [spoiler]all Health Upgrades[/spoiler] one). We're pushing this patch asap to Steam, since we have a lot more freedom there to update builds. Once we've confirmed it's all groovy with players there (and once we get through Microsoft's review process), we'll be pushing these fixes everywhere in So sorry about this! And thanks to everyone for your understanding and patience <3
- Fixing new issue where total heart count could get capped to [spoiler]5[/spoiler], even if you had purchased more upgrades
- Fixing related issue where the [spoiler]Totally Full at Heart[/spoiler] achievement would never unlock. NOTE: If you've already purchased all those upgrades, to retroactively trigger the acheivement just reopen and close the [spoiler]Upgrade Mill[/spoiler]
- Reverting a recent change that caused all the Lunalings in [spoiler]Aatto's Lunaling dance[/spoiler] sequence to not animate.
- Fixing a new issue where scene-load cutscenes were now saving as "seen" as soon as you loaded into them, instead of waiting for them to complete.
We also did manage to sneak in a few actual fixes as well!
- Fixing rare issue that could lock you out of the endgame flow if you happened to quit or crash during the [spoiler]final Artifact[/spoiler] popup overlay
- Fixing issue where players could get stuck in an empty / dead version of the endgame area, if they happened to quit or crash during the [spoiler]post-battle cutscene[/spoiler]
- Fixing some missing audio in the Shrines
- Fixing some errors from button-mashing in Credits scene
- Fixing uncommon issue where camera could stay locked on [spoiler]Kirby[/spoiler] during the ending [spoiler]battle, after she was frozen in the crystal[/spoiler]
- Fixing issue where [spoiler]Kirby[/spoiler] could continue to take damage during [spoiler]final battle[/spoiler] while trapped in the [spoiler]crystal[/spoiler]