Wield an ever-growing herd of quirky creatures to rebuild broken paths, battle perilous beasts, and solve peculiar puzzles in a rich, interconnected world. Join two young runaways as they unravel the mysteries of a lost realm in this nostalgic storybook fantasy!
[*] Urgent fix to Chinese dialogue and text being broken and unreadable throughout the game, as of version 1.1. Big apologies for that!
[*] Fixed some missing characters in Japanese and Korean, as of version 1.1.
[*] Greatly improved inventory sorting! Now crafted items group together by type, the types are ordered by most frequently used, and Pips always sort to the back.
[*] Fixed localization issue where the Play Style UI subheader would show the an ID for non-English languages.
[*] Fixed soft lock for players that had already defeated the Buff Puff + Knightcaps in Sunken Grotto, then updated to version 1.1, and then tried to walk back through that room. (We added a new visual tutorial for this fight, but forgot to make sure the player hadn't already finished the fight!)
[*] Fixed issue where Temp Hearts wouldn't apply to Passive if Player already had some.
[*] Fixed a rare a soft lock that could occur if a Shiny Rock call came in right as a separate cutscene was starting.
[*] Fixed the climbing animation not playing if initiating a climb during character switch animation.
[*] Fixed a bug where quick-crafting a Hearty Meal from three Poop Fruit would instead produce a Mush Sammy.
[*] Fixed a Map issue where one of the lost Greenshield markers could show up before it should have, if the player stepped into Wispwagon in Chapter 1.
[*] Fixed Spriteling emote icons not fading out anymore, as of 1.1.
[*] Fixed Spritelings becoming unresponsive after the Rattlebrook "reunite" scene, if they were carrying any resources when the cutscene started.
[*] Fixed issues with Faeflies drifting by in a straight line after cutscenes, ignoring player and Spritelings.
[*] Fixed some Map fog slightly overlapping into adjacent areas.
[*] Small optimization to large amounts of Scrap and Glint spawning from chests.
[*] Some rebalance to Mushroom Sammy and Craft Honey heal amounts.
[*] Slightly larger spawn intervals for Faeflies in Adventurer.
[*] Hiding the new Shiverling hint sign past Chapter 2.
[*] Nerfed that one Bitterblop in Frostfields that Kirby has to fight solo with only a few Spritelings, since it's pretty tough in Adventurer now.