Patch v12.28

The Sapling

The Sapling is a short simulation game where you design your own plants and animals, and put them in a world together. Or you turn on random mutations, and see what evolution does to your ecosystem!

[h1]Added a map to the special detail view[/h1] [list] [*] Added current locations of organisms [*] Added origin (birth) location of species (not saved yet) [/list] [h1]Animal editor improvements[/h1] [list] [*] Shells can now only be placed on top of an animal, and always face the right way [*] Added a 0.5 second cooldown after placing body parts, which prevents that the 'quick flicker' if a bodypart modifies the torso shape [/list] [h1]Fixes to the save/load system[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed the save action failing if there was an animal in the deep sea [*] Fixed mixing up fungus species after saving and loading [*] Fixed super old age of fungi after saving and loading [/list] [h1]Fixes related to ocean depth[/h1] [list] [*] Places where an animal can survive, but only in the deep sea, will now be orange [*] The text indicating whether the animal will survive will change color to indicate importance (orange if the animal can only survive in the deep sea, yellow if the eggs won't survive) [*] The ocean current speed will now be correctly recalculated if you lower the ocean height and then raise it again [*] Fixed the color of the fastest ocean current speed in the information view (was pitch black) [/list] [h1]Fixing and balancing organism statistics[/h1] [list] [*] A juvenile animal no longer copies its statistics from the parent; it might be completely different after all [*] Fixed current resistance of 6 dots (max should be 5) [*] Added attack to electric tail [*] A plant's temperature range is now infinite if it sheds its leaves and flowers before they freeze/burn [*] The trunk mouth now gets a lot more energy from eating soft plant tissue (reason: it has less time to eat now animals sleep at night) [/list] [h1]Other fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed plant branches not being available in the daily challenge [/list] I often forget to read comments below release notes, so if you have questions or bug reports, feel free to reach out via the Steam forums or