Interim December Patch

[h2]The Highlights[/h2] [list] [*] Server Improvements [*] Balance Changes [*] Bug Fixes [/list] [h3]The Server Improvements[/h3] We've made a significant improvement to our servers that should vastly improve load times. This should reduce load times in most situations to under sixty seconds! We've also changed our server connection messaging to be a bit more clear about the progress being made to connect. [h3]Balance Changes[/h3] We got some good feedback from the playtesting event on some balance adjustments. We've begun to work some of these into the game so you'll see the following: [list] [*] Archer rate of fire and damage per shot has been reduced [*] Javelineer rate of fire and damage per shot has been reduced [*] Catapult adjusted [*] Battering ram adjusted [*] Most unit type speeds have been adjusted slightly [*] Colonist gather rate was corrected to intended gather rate. There was an error making them gather resources about 20-40% quicker then intended. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Units move with the same movement speed [*] Colonists have a base gather rate of 2 [*] Stone Wall is missing in construction menu in Third Era (Enlightenment) [*] Stone Wall & Gate are available in the Second Era [*] Stone Wall and Stone Gate are missing in the construction menu [/list] [h3]What's incoming?[/h3] We're stil making good progress on the diplomacy mechanics and we hope to push those out live with this upcoming week's patch. The team is also working hard on the improvements to our map engine and we are hoping to release the first build with it this month before the holidays. Many of our team members will be on holiday at year end, so any patches around New Years will likely be limited in scope. We are also making great progress on the UI/mini-map/big map which we're targetting for next month since the map engine is a higher priority. Thanks again for taking the time to read, play, and provide your feedback. It's greatly appreciated!