First October Patch + More Playtesters Added!


Survive, build, and defend your kingdom in a massively multiplayer RTS. Wage war, ally, and trade with up to 16 players concurrently in a true sandbox RTS environment for up to 90 days!

[h1]General Notes[/h1] We've got quite a few minor bugs we're addressing in this patch. There are still roughly 60~ outstanding bugs that will be addressed with the "big" AI Patch in mid-late October. [h3]What's ahead?[/h3] We're formalizing our Q4 / 2025 Roadmap and will have some information on that up this month. We'll also be hosting a fun "casual" event in late November once these next couple big builds roll out. [list] [*] Diplomacy system (this will introduce more team/coop mechanics as well) [*] Full keyboard shortcuts & hotkeys (customizable) [*] In-game Tech Tree [/list] [h3]Adjustments:[/h3] [list] [*] Minor Sound Adjustment (Lumber camp no longer sounds like coins) [*] Buildings have a terrain decal under them (this will be adjusted further) [*] Hover text on destroy button [*] Balance adjustments (higher starting lumber + lumber mill now requires wood instead of food) [/list] [h3]Bugs Addressed:[/h3] [list] [*] Trading unit's name is mismatched between the recruitment in Marketplace and the unit's title [*] Units have an outline flashing visible without being selected [*] Debug text is visible in all animals' names [*] Some units are not selected when inside a click & drag selection under different camera angles [*] Research queue icon is missing for the first technology in a queue in Homestead and University [*] Recruitment UI is visible in two locations [*] User can select unit with click & drag selection only when the entire model is inside a selection box [*] Player counter on Colony server shows different number of active and registered players than the actual in-game number [*] User cannot zoom in & out when hovering the mouse over UI elements [*] Click & drag selection box gets inverted while player drags it beyond map's boundary [*] Pressing the 'Cancel' button from a Chat Panel sends the written message [*] Era advancement research is not cancelled after destroying Homestead [/list]