First November Patch


Survive, build, and defend your kingdom in a massively multiplayer RTS. Wage war, ally, and trade with up to 16 players concurrently in a true sandbox RTS environment for up to 90 days!

[h3]General Notes[/h3] We've just pushed a patch live this weekend that's mostly focused on hotfixing new bugs (mostly animations) and verifying that the new AI has fixed some older bugs. Thank you to those who've playtested and mentioned some of these new bugs (and older ones that've stuck around). For example your first Colonist (default Scipio at moment) can once again collect resources however the collection animation is missing. We will have this fixed asap. Sequenced waypoints are also broken, we'll have this fixed quickly. The New AI Pathfinding/Behaviors are a definite improvement. The other big half of our "structural" pipeline is our map system change (to address elevation/building/fog of war issues). This will be much quicker then the AI Changes, but I don't have an exact timeline on when we will merge to our playtesting build. We will be working to have our most stable and playable build to date by 11/29 for our Playtesting Event! [b]Big Items We'll be Deliverying by Month's End[/b] [list] [*] New Buildings: Guard Towers & Castles [*] More Extensive Hotkeys [*] Character Commands (Attack, Guard, Patrol, etc) [*] Diplomacy Mechanics [*] Unit Garrisons (In/Out of Buildings) [/list] We will be trying to merge in some additional units and buildings as opportunity allows too. [h3]New Content Added in this Patch:[/h3] [list] [*] Outpost Added (Placeholder for Visuals / Functionality intact) [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes in this Patch:[/h3] [list] [*] Units Turning Quicker [*] Colonists keep gathering food resources after a Farm is destroyed [*] Offensive units are idle when hostile animals attack friendly buildings [*] Colonists are stuck in a walking animation when ordered to approach an occupied Farm [*] Colonists cannot return gathered resources to the damaged depot when they have no WoodClosed [*] Units repair buildings without an order if any damaged building is on their way [*] Tamed domestic animals cannot walk through a Gate [*] Homestead don't reveal the fog of war [*] Homestead's visual and HP is completed after a second of unit constructing it [/list]