A very cute RTS! Modify the voxel ground and defend your castle with Zundamons! A game set in Japan's medieval period, created by Japanese developers.
This notice is about the updates from both 12/30 and 12/31.
[h2]【Content Addition & Specification Changes】[/h2]
[*] Added a feature where flags are placed on barracks and watchtowers, allowing the number of soldiers stationed to be visible from the outside.
[h2]【Bug Fixes】[/h2]
[*] Fixed a bug where the laboring Zundamon would get stuck on uneven ground.
[*] Fixed a bug where buildings damaged by fire would not be repaired.
[*] Fixed a bug where, when placing the headquarters at the edge of the map, enemy spawn points would overlap with the headquarters, causing the game to freeze.
[*] Fixed a bug where the difficulty would carry over from the previous data incorrectly.
[*] Fixed a bug where the building's area of effect was narrower than shown by one tile.
[*] Fixed a bug where some lakes would not turn into water when multiple lakes or seas were included in the map's boundaries.
[*] Fixed a bug where the "coin shortage" text was displayed incorrectly.