A very cute RTS! Modify the voxel ground and defend your castle with Zundamons! A game set in Japan's medieval period, created by Japanese developers.
This announcement is regarding the updates on 12/26 and 12/28.
[h2]【Content Additions and Specification Changes】[/h2]
[*] The difficulty increase when the raid frequency is low has been adjusted to make it more gradual.
[*] The climbing process has been modified to fix a bug and slightly reduce its processing load.
[h2]【Bug Fixes】[/h2]
[*] Fixed a bug where, when setting the raid frequency to once every 3 days at the start of a new game, raids were occurring daily.
[*] Fixed a bug where Zunda-mon was sinking into trees.
[*] Fixed a bug where enemies would sometimes fail to climb when there were trees.
[*] Fixed a bug where setting blocks with the directional keys would allow placement outside the map, and when there were such commands, all laboring Zunda-mon would freeze.
[*] Fixed a bug where idle worker Zunda-mon at the map’s edge would try to move outside the map and freeze.
[*] Fixed a bug where, after changing the main base from the tent, it was impossible to set the tent back as the main base.
[*] Fixed a bug where Zunko and Itako would stop at the moment the date changed or after combat when they joined the team.