Update #7 - New tools, quests, shop crate expansion & more!

The Magical Mixture Mill

Gather exotic ingredients, brew complex mixtures, and expand your magically automated production lines -- keeping your shelves stocked, your customers happy, and your pockets full.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/4811a6b4a879364b85db879e7e3966bf5264f10b.gif[/img] Hey, magical mixers! The focus of this update was to fully flesh out the remaining three tools to give you a wide array of ways to [strike]completely destroy nature[/strike] gather resources! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/62b39ad48ccb8006b45ee07b38f88f4d9016b87c.png[/img] We also added the ability to double the potion shelf space. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/6063803788e8a475376b5d7f55acd2cb047788a3.png[/img] Amongst a bunch of other tweaks and changes, we decided to slightly revamp potion modifiers. They were overly complex, so we simplified their concept without making them easier to achieve, and changed their name to match their new design. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/21cbac7699fed00415ecb5280ab3fa1f49a8e297.png[/img] And of course, we added some more quests - and yes, that means new hats! [h2]New Content[/h2] [list][*] [b]New Tool: Tempest[/b] ○ By aiding Barb the druid you can unlock this oversized sickle which will help you gather herbs with the force of wind. [*] [b]New Tool: Bearded Berserker[/b] ○ By aiding Chunk the barbarian you can unlock this aggressive axe which will throw you into a tree-chopping-frenzy. [*] [b]New Tool: Fists of Judgement[/b] ○ By aiding Cecil the paladin you can unlock this very judgy pick that will summon holy fists to crush sinful minerals. [*] [b]Shop Crate Expansion[/b] ○ For a modest sum, the two bottom shelves can be repaired, increasing potion shelf space from 8 to 16. [*] [b]Main Quest continues[/b] ○ Griselda needs your help gathering positive shop reviews. ○ New hat! [*][b]New Sidequest[/b] Someone mischievous will start leaving “gifts” at Griselda’s door. New Hat! [*][b]More UI Notifications[/b] ○ Inventory button glows red when the inventory is full. ○ “Inventory Full” notification is triggered when you try to pick up resources with a full inventory. ○ Build Mode button glows green when a new workstation can be unlocked. ○ Map & Journal button glows green when a new landmark is discovered. ○ When opening the inventory, new resources are highlighted when found for the first time.[/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list][*] [b]Potion Modifier changes.[/b] ○ Balanced Flavor modifier has been renamed to Preferred Flavor, and is achieved by having the correct flavor be dominant over all other flavors. ○ Ideal Ratio modifier has been renamed to Prime Essence, and is achieved by having the correct essence type be the strongest in terms of potency. ○ Optimal Ingredient modifier is unchanged. [*] [b]Hodgepodge changes[/b] ○ Extractors can no longer turn edibles into hodgepodge. ○ Hodgepodge is now considered a mixture/potion and has potency, which means it will give you Mixture Intolerance when consumed. ○ Hodgepodge can now only be made by distilling or fermenting a mixture twice. ○ It now has a brown color so it stands out from Poison. [*] [b]Taking Damage Polish[/b] ○ Taking Damage is now communicated by a red effect around the edge of the screen. ○ The black radial swipe no longer fully collapses until you are knocked out, making it easier to escape close calls. [*] [b]Resources[/b] ○ All resource yields have been streamlined. Max yields for every resource source is capped at 15. ○ Geodes no longer drop from regular stone deposits, but drops are increased from other sources. ○ Amethysts no longer drop from stone deposits. ○ Gusto Grubs now drops from Withersap Trees and Hyper Dung Beetle instead of Mageroot Deposits and Klaphats. ○ Psyche-Tick no drops from Glowlights instead of from Proudcap Patches. ○ Mama Longfangs now drops from Klaphats instead of from Strawberry Bushes and Apple Trees. ○ Centipedes now only drop from Mageroot Deposits, Stumps and Bee Hives. [*] The ‘Quest Completed’ ui notification has been moved up so it doesn’t block the avatar. [*] New research and discoveries ui notification has been moved to the bottom of the screen. [*] Death Ingredient buffs now enhance your origin ability. [*] Soul Ingredient buffs now actually add glow to your character, illuminating your surroundings. [*] Hovering over a built workstation now calls a much more helpful tooltip. [*] Sorter and Summoner crates now have a sorting toggle which enables them to filter based on category as well as exact matches. [*] Inventory upgrades now glow up when you can afford them, making them harder to miss. [*] Workstation unlock requirement numbers have been reduced, making them less grindy. [*] Customers now get bonus experience for each modifier on every potion. [*] Crates now only cost 10 wood. [*] Arcane-O-Coil no longer requires a diamond to build [*] Roll ability run speed bonus has been increased. [*] Blade Dash and Roll abilities are now locked to max range. [*] Arcane Furnace glow now changes color based on the Arcane-O-Coil powering it. [*] Seeking Approval Part 1 now requires you to research 15 ingredients. [*] Seeking Approval Part 2 now requires you to have discovered 15 mixtures. [*] The Adv. Distiller workstation now requires you to have discovered 15 mixtures to unlock. [*] The mailbox is disabled until ‘In Need of Assistance Part 2’ has been accepted. [*] Arcane Furnace glow effect matches the effect color of the Arcane-O-Coil powering it. [*] The ‘Lack of Loot’ event can now only trigger after at least one customer has reached level 20. [*] Using Bogglewoggle’s recall service has been added as an objective of Back in Business Part 4. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed a bug that would result in getting stuck on the End of Day screen. [*] You should no longer slide sideways when using certain tools. [*] “Needs Power” notification is no longer activated when a workstation is powered but turned off. [*] Unstable ingredients should now always be labeled as such. [*] Fixed some missing environment colliders. [*] Fixed various “unfortunate” resource spawn locations. [*] Bubbling Bog fog should no longer disappear on low settings. [*] The old windmill in the wilderness is now turning again. [*] Fixed some spelling errors. [*] Bees should no longer stick around when chopping down a beehive with axe throw. [*] Game should no longer be locked-out of fullscreen mode when another display mode is selected. [*] It should no longer be possible to get stuck in the rocks to the right of the Bubbling Bog Teleportal. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/9972d27a8bcffd48f73eaac736c45aa23a318e9b.png[/img]