The Magical Mixture Mill 1.0 is OUT NOW! ✨

The Magical Mixture Mill

Gather exotic ingredients, brew complex mixtures, and expand your magically automated production lines -- keeping your shelves stocked, your customers happy, and your pockets full.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/4811a6b4a879364b85db879e7e3966bf5264f10b.gif[/img] Hey, magical mixers! We did it! [b]We reached full release after one year in Early Access[/b] and we are really really proud of the result. But we can’t take all the credit; without your feedback and suggestions we would never have gotten here, so thank you! [previewyoutube=BHueJimMHTQ;full][/previewyoutube] [b]1.0 brings a lot of new content[/b] and wraps up all quest lines, including the main quest which will lead to a new feature that should test your skills like nothing else: [i]The Alchemical Society[/i]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/13a3580e84645e167728e3f37f665a1825f0ddf3.png[/img] The rest of the [b]class origins [/b]are now also available and we think you will really enjoy controlling your undead sidekick as a necromancer, charging fearlessly into any danger as a paladin, or turning into a sly little fox as a druid. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/32172facd3f59dc1b770db7ee04e86a40ac93eb4.png[/img] There are also some new workstations and QoL changes that should improve the logistics of the workshop and make you rethink your entire setup again (sorry). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/f0b53d7cc78f5a9b9957f34024ecd79e0e9a0af6.png[/img] Oh yeah, and Griselda now has a cat, [b]Fiona[/b]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/dbd6affc7f9f9db764b5afb434e9e9434ec0f80c.png[/img] All in all, we have spent a lot of time balancing numbers, polishing UI, fixing bugs and greatly improving performance across the entire game and we hope you enjoy it all! [h2]New Content[/h2] [list] [*] [b]New Origin: Necromancer[/b] ○ Embrace the dark side and harvest resources with your trusty undead sidekick, Merry. [*][b]New Origin: Paladin[/b] ○ As a former champion of the light, bravely and fearlessly charge through any obstacle you might face. [*][b]New Origin: Druid[/b] ○ You are so in tune with nature that you take on the form of a fast fox while being safe from aggressive flora. [*][b]New Resource: Wisp Egg[/b] ○ A soul ingredient collected from Wisp Nests found in the Forgotten Forest. ○ This is the last missing resource, allowing you to continue the main quest. [*][b]Main Quest Conclusion[/b] ○ The conclusion of the main narrative that will finally see you take over the shop and stop Griselda from taking that 25% cut! ○ Also introduces you to the new Alchemical Society feature. [*][b]New Feature: Alchemical Society[/b] ○ A chance for you to prove yourself and finally join the Alchemical Society. ○ Exclusive rewards… if you can complete their trials. [*][b]New Workstation: Transmuter[/b] ○ As a member of the Alchemical Society, you can now transmute resources into other resources, opening up for endless workshop configurations. [*][b]New Workstation: Catapult Crate[/b] ○ An early workstation that throws resources over other workstations and connections, allowing you much more freedom when setting up your workshop. [*][b]New Workstation: Mega Crate[/b] ○ A 2x2 tile crate that can hold 25 stacks of resources. [*][b]Customer Quests Conclusion.[/b] ○ All customers can now reach level 30 where they offer a final quest. ○ The final quest can be completed in two different ways. ○ Depending on how you choose to complete this quest, the customer will buy a new type of mixture while also visually changing… sometimes drastically. ○ MORE HATS! [*][b]Fiona the Cat[/b] ○ Griselda’s cat finally found her way home and is roaming the shop! [*][b]40 New Achievements![/b][/list] [h2]Changes[/h2][list] [*][b]Performance Improvements[/b] ○ Greatly increased general performance and FPS. ○ Removed a bunch of random stutters. ○ Improved area loading times. [*][b]Workstation Interaction Update[/b] ○ Revamped the workstation overview to now show you much more relevant info without having to read a bunch of text. ○ Added visual guides, helping you perfect your mixtures. ○ Input/output order should now make more sense. ○ Idle Extractors no longer have visual liquids in them. ○ You can now eject mixture from a workstation if it is turned off. [*][b]Investment Update[/b] ○ Moved around export bonuses. ○ Yeast is now a baseline import - no investment needed. ○ Removed charcoal subscription. ○ Tier 2 and tier 3 investments now have an export requirement that needs to be achieved before they can be unlocked. ○ Polished UI. ○ Added missing text. [*][b]UI Polish[/b] ○ Workstation tooltips are now always in the top left of the screen and are hidden while moving. ○ We added backgrounds to screens that were just mostly black. ○ Updated visuals for workstation-hover-over visuals, making everything less visually noisy. ○ Overall, UI transitions should now be more smooth and give better visual feedback. ○ Polish passes on almost all UI screens. [*] A new teleportal can be found near the quarry, giving easier access to minerals. But it won’t come cheap! [*] We added visual and audio warning when the clock strikes 23:00, making it easier to make it to bed on time. [*] At the start of a new week, a new end-of-day screen now displays the new active event. [*] You can now return to the main menu from the in-game pause menu. [*] Northern Wilderness is now easier to navigate, making Dreamsnatchers easier to avoid. [*] Increased earnings for putting potions on robust, quality, elegant and fancy bottles. [*] Customers now need more experience for their earlier levels, but less for their higher levels. [*] When a workstation breaks, ALL resources/mixtures inside it are destroyed. [*] The Old Woods bridge now only costs 10.000 coins to repair. [*] The Forgotten Forest Teleportal now only costs 50.000 coins to repair. [*] Godwheat and Strawberry Bushes now yield more fiber. [*] Back in Business part 4 now has an extra objective: Gather 25 Mageroot. [*] Petrified trees are now the correct color and their branches turn into…pebbles?! [*] Added chest opening animations. [*] Tool HUD update. [*] Added colors to all ability icons. [*] We swapped the essences needed to make Agility and Resistance potions/mixtures. [*] Wigglecup Tendrils now have a savory flavor. [*] All musical themes have been polished. [*] You can no longer walk over the edges in the Forgotten Forest and get knocked out. [*] The “Take all” action in the mailbox now also takes all stored coins [*] The Commercial Endeavors questline now triggers after Unfortunate Son part 4, instead of part 3. [*] Bogglewoggle summons small magical scrubbers that randomly appear to wash your workstations. You are welcome. [*] Workstation tooltips no longer say “invalid” when it is simply missing a resource to continue production. [*] Bubbling Bog teleportal repair cost has been reduced to 10000 coins. [*] Arcane-O-Coil schematic cost has been reduced to 15000 coins. [*] Adv. Distiller schematic cost has been increased to 25000 coins. [*] Summoner Crate schematic cost has been reduced to 75000 coins. [*] Fermenter schematic cost has been reduced to 75000 coins. [*] Grower schematic cost has been reduced to 50000 coins. [*] The Summoner Crate can now be toggled to only summon from certain chests based on their chosen appearance (color). [*] Summoner Crates now cost an extra 5 obsidian to build. [*] Silver and Gold deposits now drop more obsidian. [*] The visual effects for workstations that require arcane power now match the color of the Arcane-O-Coil that powers them. [*] When a Sorter Crate has an ‘exact’ filter for a resource as well as another filter for that resource’s ‘category’, it will no longer output the resource in the ‘category’ output. [*] Iron and Copper deposits should now be more visually different. [*] Extractors now break if they receive anything except ingredients. [*] Mandrakes now grow more often. [*] Klaphats now grow more often. [*] Using the rogue origin ability without actually hitting a resource no longer triggers its cooldown. [*] The Highly Recommended part 1 quest now only requires you to have all customers reach level 15, instead of level 20. [*] There are now six save slots instead of three. [*] Added hotkeys for Fill, Take All and Sort for chests and crates. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2][list] [*] Fixed various colliders in the Forgotten Forest, blocking you from getting stuck. [*] Shop shelf potions now visible update correctly when you sort the Shop Crate inventory. [*] Certain workshop sounds are no longer audible in the Outskirts. [*] Fixed an issue where potions would randomly disappear when being outputted from a Bottler. [*] Workstation animations no longer stay paused when you unpause the game. [*] Mossy Bark should now correctly drop from certain trees. [*] Walking down the shop stairs should now feel more smooth. [*] Improved ambient occlusion. [*] Fixed some missing water reflection sky boxes. [*] Birds should no longer be visible in the workshop. [*] Bank Investment 2 now correctly increases the export earnings from Fossils and Gems. [*] Tier 3 mixtures no longer have their essences jumbled in the shroompedia mixture overview. [*] Customers now move on the main menu screen again. [*] The main avatar should now stick to the ground better, creating less “floaty” situations. [*] You can no longer stay up all night by timing your “go to bed click” just right. [*] The Shroompedia Mixtures Discovered count is now correct. [*] Divine Intervention shield no longer becomes invisible when running through water. [*] Customer Progress screen now correctly displays customer experience gains. [*] Workstation tooltips now correctly show one resource per connection point in the tooltip, instead of one for each connection point. [*] Timelost Tomahawk Axe Throws no longer repeat, unless they hit something. [*] Mandrake screams and visual effect now actually stops when the mandrake has been eliminated. [*] The Scarecrow questline should now correctly trigger when you walk close to it. [*] You can now gather resources that are within a landmark’s selection area. [*] Moving around resources inside a full chest or crate should no longer result in emptying them into your inventory. [*] Workstation notification icons no longer render on top of everything else. [*] Selecting an Arcane-O-Coil now correctly displays all the workstations it is powering. [*] Timelost Tomahawk Axe Throw now correctly hits trees if you are standing on a hill. [*] Pressing H now only hides the player HUD instead of all interfaces and menus. [*] Crafted materials and mixtures are now correctly discovered when you hover over them in any container, not only in your own inventory. [*] Fixed a bunch of shader related flickering. [*] Added ripples when you run through shallow water in the Old Woods. [*] Customer quests now display correctly in the journal when they are ready to be handed in. [*] The Way of the Blade enchantment for the Ronin’s Wakazashi now always correctly triggers when hitting five or more herbs with Blade Dash. [*] Dismantling a container with resources close to a workshop wall should no longer result in some resources being lost to the endless void. [*] Unstable resources should now always be labeled as such no matter what UI screen they are shown in. [*] Reduced the amount of environment and resource pop-in when moving around. [*] And a whole mountain of other bug fixes that we have forgotten about… [/list]