Update #2 – New workstations, bigger workshop & more!

The Magical Mixture Mill

Gather exotic ingredients, brew complex mixtures, and expand your magically automated production lines -- keeping your shelves stocked, your customers happy, and your pockets full.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43157888/4811a6b4a879364b85db879e7e3966bf5264f10b.gif[/img] Hey, Magical Mixers! Now that most of our worst bugs seem to be out of the way, we are excited to add more content to the game! With this update, we aim to add another step of automation in the mid-late game through the introduction of the [b]Summoner Crate[/b] and [b]Repeatable Importing[/b]. We also wanted to make our first balancing pass on the [b]in-game economy[/b] - without expecting it to be perfect yet. As always, your feedback is what helps us shape [i]The Magical Mixture Mill[/i] and we hope to see you on our [url=https://discord.gg/jZUUaZkUGP]Discord[/url] to read your experience and suggestions! [h2]New Content [/h2] [list] [*][b]Bigger Workshop [/b] - We have added another 3 tiers of workshop sizes, which allows for a Workshop that is four times the current maximum size. - For work-safety reasons, Bogglewoggle insisted on adding some support pillars. Some of your workstations may have been dismantled as a result of this. [*][b]New Workstation: Summoner Crate. [/b] - The Summoner Crate can summon resources from either Chests or the Import Storage. However, it requires Arcane Power to do so. [*][b]New Workstation: Arcane-O-Coil. [/b] - The Arcane-O-Coil transforms Mixtures into Arcane Power for nearby Workstations. [*][b]Advanced Importing. [/b] - The maximum daily import amount has been raised. - Import prices increase the more you import. - Imports can be toggled to be repeated daily. - Import expenses are no longer paid when the import order is made. Instead, coins are deducted at the end of the day. - Sticks are now a baseline import. This should reduce tree grind. [*][b]New Investment: Emporium Exoticum [/b] [*][b]New Investment[/b]: King’s Tavern [/list] [h2]Changes [/h2] [list] [*][b]Investment overhaul [/b] - Bob has retired from his blacksmithing business - Yeast importing is now unlocked from the tavern tier II investment. - All insect ingredients can now be unlocked for importing through the herbalist tier II investment. [*][b]In-game economy rebalance [/b] - Brewing and selling potions should be the main source of income in the game. Therefore, we have reduced the value of most resources and increased the value of higher tier potions. [*]Resources inside Workstations that are in production are grayed out in the interface to better indicate they can not be removed. [*]Connection Mode now has on-screen help text to make it easier to connect workstations. [*]Connection paths now transport resources a tiny bit faster so the Rusher Crate can run more smoothly. [*]Dismantling a workstation now triggers a prompt. [*]Moving a workstation that has connections now triggers a prompt. [*]You can now remove resources from a workstation when they are not running a production. [*]Changed the way geodes work. It is no longer possible to force them to make diamonds by clever use of game mechanics. [*]We have simplified and toned down the Outskirts music to make it less dominant. [*]Build Mode UI: It should now be more obvious when you do not have enough resources to build a Workstation. [*]Settings: Resolution is now locked when playing in borderless windowed mode. [/list] [h2]Bug fixes [/h2] [list] [*] Creating circular connection networks now actually works! [*] End-of-day-screen music now no longer triggers if you click on the bed. [*] Resources in crates now no longer randomly spawn underneath the floor. [*] Workstations now no longer stop working after 25 in-game days if you have high FPS. [*] Inventory stacks no longer merge when loading a game. [*] Dismantling or moving a Workstation with an active connection should no longer randomly break the Workstation. [*] You should no longer get stuck between the burned house and the wheat fields. [*] Triggering a “conversation” with Lapis no longer starts a dialogue with Chunk. [*] Randomly selecting in-game objects while in the main menu should no longer be possible. [*] While in connection mode, magic trail pathing should now display correctly. [*] Pinetrees now no longer randomly spawn in Wilderness. [*] Kilns no longer create a clone of a potion when burning away the mixture. [*] The furnace now properly registers charcoal when it has a potion input. [*] Getting stuck on the first big tree stump in Old Woods should no longer be possible. [*] Getting stuck on stump-gate leading to the Old Woods Ruins should no longer be possible. [*] Odie’s dialogue now matches the objective in the Unfortunate Son - Part 4 quest. [*] Quest tracker toggle hotkey now functions in the inventory screen. [/list]