Update 151 - Achievement and QoL

Fantasy Survivors

A rogue-lite where you fight thousands of creatures, unlocking characters and equipment, to challenge deeper levels. Team up with friends or go solo; all drops are instanced so you don't have to share. Satisfying gameplay combined with smart choices make one-more-run a no-brainer.

Hi all, Today's update contains the following: [list] [*]Increased the Drop Rate bonus of the Farmer set from 12% to 30%. [*]Added an achievement for making a +30 weapon. This only registers after you finish a run. [*]Pets now show the Egg Type they hatched from in their description. [*]Fixed the Scroll of the Dead fusion with Necromancer set not increasing the number of summoned skeletons. [*]Reduced the warlock boss (Cain) damage by 25%. Also decreased the cultist meteor damage by 15%. I advise the use of potions when you take on Forgotten Tomb. If your health is lowered by status effects, the boss will appear more deadly than it is. [*]Increased the height of the player's name field on the portrait to accommodate some special characters. The player's level is now simply displayed as a number, in a larger font. [*]Added a full stop after each tip in the Tips screen. [/list] Till later, André