Update 147 - 5 player support and more QoL changes

Fantasy Survivors

A rogue-lite where you fight thousands of creatures, unlocking characters and equipment, to challenge deeper levels. Team up with friends or go solo; all drops are instanced so you don't have to share. Satisfying gameplay combined with smart choices make one-more-run a no-brainer.

Hi all, The game finally supports 5 players. We've tested it and found no issues but I think it will impact performance on lower end systems, especially if you created the game. Players that create a 5 player game should ideally have a fast pc and low latency Internet. [olist] [*]Up to 5 players can now play together. This means that auras scale up to 30% if all players have the same aura (10% + 5% + 5% + 5% + 5%). Enemies get 50% more hp for every player that joins so for 5 players they will have 300% their normal hp. [*]Adjusted marble drop rates to give slightly more at player levels 1 - 175 but maintain the same drop rate from 175 - 200. So there won't be a huge spike in marble drops around level 200 anymore. [*]Slightly increased Gem Cutting success rate for marbles and gems. [*]Wooden and silver chests now give slightly more gold. [*]You can now enhance a weapon inside the Loadout instead of just in the Stash view. [*]You active pet is now displayed next to your character in the Character Selection screen. [*]In the Shop and Stash, in weapon descriptions, all artifacts are now listed that have an effect on the weapon. [*]When you level up in-game and hover the mouse over an artifact choice, current weapons will be highlighted if they are affected by the artifact. It will help you decide whether to select an artifact. [*]Fixed a bug where the water sprite sometimes jumped in from outside the player's view. [*]Made several network changes so less data is sent. This was done to make 5 player support possible. [*]Enemies will now keep their pose when dying and not revert to the "idle" pose. [/olist] Enjoy the 5 player support and let us know if you experience any issues. We found that players sometimes have the same color but will investigate it over the weekend. This is a cosmetic error and won't cause other problems. Till later, André