Update 152 - DPS visible for summoning artifacts and more QoL

Fantasy Survivors

A rogue-lite where you fight thousands of creatures, unlocking characters and equipment, to challenge deeper levels. Team up with friends or go solo; all drops are instanced so you don't have to share. Satisfying gameplay combined with smart choices make one-more-run a no-brainer.

Hi all, The update contains the following: [list] [*]The summoning artifacts will now show the DPS below them, similar to the weapons. DPS is the combined value for all creatures summoned by the artifact. [*]On the Game Over screen, summoning artifacts will be listed along with the weapons so you can compare their max damage. [*]You can now see the Base Stats of weapons by clicking on the Damage Type in the Stash/Shop. [*]When you try to sell a weapon that's been enhanced (contains marbles), you will be asked to downgrade it first. This is to prevent accidental selling of enhanced weapons. [*]A map can now limit the time allowed to join. Guardian's Gate is set to allow 5 minutes for players to join. [*]Playable characters not yet unlocked will now show the map's name where they can be found. [*]It was possible to click on the invisible Discord link from the main menu, from screens like Character Select and Tips. [*]The Sentinel Star and Fire Serpents' attribute now states that leveling them up decreases the cooldown. [*]When the Grim Reaper map mode was selected for Sunken Caverns, it overlapped with the Entrance dropdown. [*]Sometimes there were too many lights in the game, resulting in a player not having a light on them. [*]The summoned skeleton's hit animation has been improved. [/list] I hope you enjoy the changes. Till later, André