Public Test Realm

Mortal Online 2

A persistent sandbox world. No classes or levels. Train the skills you want for your own unique build. Player-driven trade, economy, and housing. Millions of crafting combinations. First-person immersive combat. Exploration. Bosses. Full loot, full PvP. The world of Nave is yours - who will you be?

[h2]The PTR servers are once again open to the public![/h2] [b]How to Access the UE5 PTR[/b] [list] [*] Open your Steam client and right click Mortal Online 2 in your games library. [*] Click ‘Properties’ [*] Click ‘Betas’ on the left [*] Using the ‘Beta Participation’ dropdown menu, click on the Mortal Online PTR branch. [*] Your Steam client will then patch your game over to the test branch, and if the servers are up already you will be free to log in as normal. [/list] [b]Audio[/b] [list] [*] Added Tindrem Vocal Theme song to Tindrem. [*] Fixed issue with footstep ground traces causing sounds to sometimes not play. This was most noticeable on horses. [/list] [b]Skills[/b] [list] [*] Engineering skills now gain experience when building. [/list] [b]Movement and Combat[/b] [list] [*] Equipment hits are removed for all equipment types except shields. [*] Fixed issue where players could be pushed through walls by mounts and creatures. [/list] [b]Flags and Standing[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the pets flag did not always update properly. [/list] [b]Optimizations[/b] [list] [*] Adjusted config settings to exclude small objects in the distance from shadow passes. [*] Moved fur mesh generation to a background thread to reduce creature loading stutter. [*] More game assets are added to the preload stage to reduce loading stalls mid game. [*] Schedule engine level destruction of gameplay actors over time to reduce micro stutters. [*] Reduced the cost of GPU velocity pass. [*] Fixed issue where an AI changing growth level would flush async loading and cause a game stall. [*] Fixed issue where spell effects could flush async loading and cause a game stall. [/list] [b]Buildings and Placement[/b] [list] [*] Clarified some placement obstruction messages based on feedback from the previous PTR. [*] Supply Storehouses now only add defence to structures which are within 100m of them. [*] Removed the limit of only being able to build 1 Supply Storehouse. [*] Supply Storehouses now have a placement check, which will not allow placement if you are trying to place one too close to another Supply Storehouse. [*] Removed the Guild Guard from Priest Shrine Tier 3. [/list] [b]Guilds and Territory Control[/b] [list] [*] Only the owners of a building may now pay its upkeep. Upkeep for keeps can be paid by guild members. [*] Fixed an issue that caused keep connected buildings to be able to be claimed by other guilds if destroyed. [*] Fixed issue where a user could disband a guild, create a new guild, and then automatically reclaim all the structures from the previous guild. [*] You can no longer use a Gate Expansion Plan to rebuild a previously existing but destroyed gate expansion to take ownership over it. [*] Guild members may not upgrade others houses, only the Owner of a house can upgrade it. [/list] [b]Magic[/b] [list] [*] Fixed players receiving more than one instance of "Glory" even if they have been healing. [*] Fixed players healing other players' pets would not give them a share of the glory. [*] Fixed healing calc where tamed/dom/ritual/zombies with full hp was counting as contributing, when you were actually healing for 0. [*] Fixed calc where players would sometimes be credited more than intended due to not properly checking Current Max Health. [/list] [b]Characters, AI and NPCs[/b] [list] [*] Fixed issue in navmesh queries where AI would take shortcuts through the air when going up or down steep slopes. [*] AI now have individual spawn timers. This means that two AI killed at the same time will also spawn at the same time. [/list] [b]Input, Engine and Game Settings[/b] [list] [*] The game now enforces the FOV range seen in the game settings to block players trying to circumvent it by unallowed means. [*] Updated physics on all capes and hairstyles due to the physics engine upgrade to Chaos. [/list] [b]UI and Interactions[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where title progression only updated once in real time. [*] Fixed broken grass gathering in a few places in the world. [*] Your guild name is now visible in the Social window under the Guild tab. [*] You now see a skull icon under the crosshair if you target a murderer and a sword icon if the person is a criminal. [*] Fixed issue where users would not be able to enter Nave after leaving Haven without restarting the client. [/list] [b]Lighting, Weather and Environment[/b] [list] [*] Various art fixes across the world based on bug reports. [*] You can now walk on the ropes between buildings in Kranesh again. [*] Clear weather is now more common all over Myrland. [/list]