Playtest v08 Released!

Bean Beasts

Defeat monster hordes alongside your Bean Beasts in this cute, challenging Tower Defense Game! Evolve your companions, explore upgrade paths for traps and take on epic boss battles!

Hi All - Been working away on fixes and features for Bean Beasts, here are the latest updates! If you would like to take part in a playtest, feel free to contact me :) [b]1) Info Pages[/b] [list] [*] Added a placeholder "Info" section to the Main Menu. [*] Any feedback regarding layout, topics, language and depth of information would be greatly appreciated! [/list] [b]2) Trap Upgrades to Try[/b] [list] [*] Demon Eye / Ballister. Shoots piercing long range arrows that deal magic damage. [*] Mud Blaster / Cannon. Fires balls of mud that can hit more enemies that explode and inflict poison. [*] Ice Daggers / Spikes. Fast firing ice damage while also inflicting slow. [/list] [b]2) Quality of Life Features Added[/b] [list] [*] Feedback for Challenge complete/failed made more obvious. [*] Remixed mini-boss music. [*] Players can pause during the tutorial. [*] Change-Direction buttons on upgrade UI now have "cost" clearly labelled. [*] Change-Direction buttons also transparent when players cannot afford. [*] V-Sync option is now available for players experiencing screen tearing. [*] Retry "Last Wave" is now retry "This Wave" - players restart from current wave instead of previous one. [*] Pause button is displayed when using a gamepad. [/list] [b]3) Graphical Changes[/b] [list] [*] Hellfire Arrows changes colour on higher levels. [*] Frog's "in-water" graphics fixed pixel aspect ratio. [*] Ground nodes glow made brighter. [*] Range display has been made brighter. [/list] [b]4) Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] WASD key movement getting stuck - fixed. [*] Improved animation performance. [*] Enemy weight now affected by shield. [*] Some players to not be able to pet Tortoise - fixed. [*] Frog's special range affected by time-speed - fixed. [*] Some shielded enemies lose their shield sprite prematurely - fixed [*] Fixed a bug causing camera/icon movement to be linked to framerate. [*] Bombs no longer flying off randomly. [/list] Cheers! Josh.