Playtest Update Post Pixel Pitch

Bean Beasts

Defeat monster hordes alongside your Bean Beasts in this cute, challenging Tower Defense Game! Evolve your companions, explore upgrade paths for traps and take on epic boss battles!

Hello! Below are the latest updates to the playtest file. If you'd like to join the playtest, be sure to join the Discord :) There you can see how the playtest process works in #announcements. Invite to Discord: [url=]Anxious Noob's Server on Discord![/url] [h3][ ! ] Warning for Existing Testers [ ! ][/h3] [i]If you have save data that precedes this patch it [i]may[/i] bug out - please reset via settings if this happens... This is due to some workarounds I had to do to create a special Pixel Pitch build.[/i] [h1]What's New?[/h1] [list] [b][*] No longer a Pixel Pitch build! [/b] [i]- Doesn't load into 1-5 with everything unlocked by default. The game loads into the skippable intro/tutorial as before.[/i] [b][*] Enemy AI Improvements![/b] [i]- Enemies spread when densely packed (this is new behaviour, could cause bugs). - Enemies can target multiple tiles around Rider/Mount (wall exploit fix).[/i] [b][*] Optimisation: Animation Update! [/b] [i]- I've created a custom animation script to reduce the number of Unity Animators running in each scene, improving performance.[/i] [b][*] Endless Mode - Cash Reduction Multipliers Reduced![/b] [i]- More cash for higher scores! [/i] [/list] [h1]Known Bugs...[/h1] [list] [*] Enemies bunch up on one tile instead of spreading at the end of their path. [*] Enemy shield particle effect sometimes in wrong location (somewhere random on map). [*] Chicken sometimes doesn't attack enemies close to it. [*] "New" indicators for inventory displaying when they shouldn't sometimes. [/list] [i]Be sure to let me know if you discover any others! [/i] [h1]Coming Soon / In Progress...[/h1] [list] [*] Ability to go straight to next level without going back through the main menu. [*] Menu & UI Improvements: Map, Level Info & Info Section. [*] Performance Improvements: Enemy AI / System Improvement. [*] Making Trees Removable at a cost. [*] Post-level Stats: Total Damage from Towers. [*] Enemy info will be locked until you defeat a certain number of them. [*] Language Setting Implemented. [/list]