Devlog | Pre-Demo Testing | 10th March 2024

Bean Beasts

Defeat monster hordes alongside your Bean Beasts in this cute, challenging Tower Defense Game! Evolve your companions, explore upgrade paths for traps and take on epic boss battles!

Hello! It's been a busy week but thanks to all the new support I've felt super motivated to get the demo for Bean Beasts ready ASAP! ːsteamthumbsupː[h3]What's New?[/h3] [list] [*] "Next Level" added to Win Panel - no need to go back to the main menu each time. [*] UI for inventory/upgrade panel updated to show which currency is used. [*] Some re-balancing for 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4. [*] Game setup difficulty explanations are more specific. [*] Switched Snowy for Dragon in the shop and changed the Gem Cost of unlockables. [*] UI elements now darken rather than go transparent when you cannot afford them. [*] Endless Mode early waves rebalanced. [*] Ability recharge details added to info page. [*] Secondary attack unlocked at Lvl.4 information added to info pages. [*] More optimisation with animators - working through older scripts/systems to improve performance. [*] Info about Towers can now be hidden as an option from the pause menu. [*] Keyboard shortcuts and controls are displayed during pause. [/list] ːsteamthisː[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Spike traps' AI improved, will not strike unless there is a target to hit. [*] Fixed a bug causing some enemies to bounce off of holes instead of fall into them. [*] Fixed a couple of typos and description errors. [*] Sometimes enemies would avoid seemingly empty space causing weird pathing patterns. [*] Some enemies were resisting damage types they shouldn't have been. [*] Sometimes bushes instantly regrew on top of floor traps. [*] "New" Indicators on inventory page were sometimes appearing when they shouldn't be. [*] Other minor things. [/list] ːsteamfacepalmː[h3]Known Bugs[/h3] [list] [*] During enemy crowding - enemies sometimes walk in circles or cut corners. [*] Enemies bunch up on one tile instead of spreading at the end of their path. [*] Enemy shield particle effect sometimes is in wrong location. [*] Chicken sometimes doesn't attack enemies close to it. [*] Very occasionally chicken warriors will land on top of a hole or water. [/list] [i]Be sure to let me know if you discover any others! [/i] ːsteamhappyː[h3]Coming Soon / In Progress[/h3] [list] [*] Making trees removable at a cost. [*] Menu & UI improvements: map, level info & info section. [*] Performance improvements (ongoing). [*] Post-level stats: total damage from towers. [*] Screenshot for endless mode to show off score and layout. [*] Enemy info will be locked until you defeat a certain number of them. [*] Language setting implemented. [*] "Tips" messages for either loading screen, pause menu or fail menu. [*] You will be able to pop glowing mushrooms by clicking on them. [/list]