Demo Patch to v1.3

Bean Beasts

Defeat monster hordes alongside your Bean Beasts in this cute, challenging Tower Defense Game! Evolve your companions, explore upgrade paths for traps and take on epic boss battles!

[h3] Spanish is now available in-game! ːsteamthumbsupː[/h3] There's over 2800 words in the demo, this isn't that many compared to many games but was nevertheless a big undertaking to implement all of the framework and iron out bugs! The good news is I've done most of the groundwork so future language implementation [i]should[/i] be quicker and easier! [h2]ːsteamhappyː What's New for v1.3?[/h2] [list] [*] Boxes now flash red when at critical health (lower than 1/3) [*] Boxes damage SFX are now louder to warn players better. [*] Box health bars are now yellow to stick out more clearly. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44683150/f8a34f1029b00bffe5d9fc8abccf2ff976fe326d.jpg[/img] [*] Close Game button is now shaded Red to make it clearer. [*] Shop buttons must now be held down to unlock items, preventing accidental clicks. [*] Main Menu buttons have been re-ordered and resized. [*] "Map" replaced with "Start" on main menu. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44683150/c83af033ee8ff3d2bb97c04e26d00201025a4164.png[/img] [/list] [h2]ːsteamthumbsupː Bug Fixes...[/h2] [list] [*] The Tree on the Tutorial level is now non-interactable... destroying this tree could cause a soft-lock. [*] Some enemies were not being affected by holes - bug with flippers, should be fixed. [*] Fixed a bug enabling players to interact with objects from the Endless "View Level" screen. [/list] Cheers! Anxious Noob. Josh.