New Update. Version 1.00 is here now!

Age of Defense

Age of Defense is a tower defense game full of mind-blowing mayhem. There are tons of monsters and tough defenders in the game each of which fits perfectly into a funny cartoonish setting.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27993120/57ba5f52fb150d84ce5314228e4a84cd208a2f08.jpg[/img] Hello there, This update took a lot of time for us. But we brought a lot of cool stuff. Our artist drawn all spell graphics and its animations. Barricades and Spikes have got animation of appearing and several animated phases of destruction. We added different visuals for all of them. Spikes can be wooden, poison and icy. Barricades can be wooden, bone, stone and stone with oil. Also, we added graphics for preplaced big bone barricade and big stone barricade and preplaced bone spikes of Mission 12. Battle Totem and Fear spells have got completely new visuals. Finally, we reworked Meteor system. Now it has a new graphics and a new flight path with a small delay before impact. All of this made casting a meteor a small pleasure. [img][/img] Secondly, we introduce new system of tower building. We added hotkeys to all towers and their abilities. Secondly, all buttons have a direct disposition and forms for a simple navigation. Now they uses same feature as spell buttons. They fill themselves depending on current meat counter. If they full enough, player can use them. We drawn and put all unique icons. Also, UI shows to the player if tower has a purchased ability. [img][/img] We drawn and put all final game menus into the game. Map of adventure has got some decorative details. Main menu have got links to social networks which make unavailable later because of the old mage. Also, there is a special button appears when the last story mission completed. This button start a very fun in-game movie with all members of our team. Check it. Also, we added a special decoration for a situation when the old mage disappears during the story. We added different outfits for the old mage to show what Mode #2 and #3 are about. Also, learning spells in the Skill tree play a cool animation now. Finally, we added new version of Mission 7 with swapped starting areas and Added Mission 15 in Mode #2. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27993120/de19227d24bf81c8ea81cb830a61a3eae89a6922.png[/img] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed a bug in Mission 12 when dropped monster of Cargo Bird appeared off the edge of the screen, so Mission couldn't be finished. [*]Fixed a bug when Cargo Bird didn't visually die in Mission 12. [*]Fixed an inflated new wave timer of 1 wave in Mission 7 of Mode #2. [*]Barricades can't placed into another one now. [*]Fixed a bug when battle cursor remains in the game menu. [*](Patch #2). Fixed the bug when missions of Mode #2 and Mode #3 didn't rewards with SP. [*](Patch #3). Fixed the bug when the progress could not be saved sometimes. [*](Patch #4). Fixed the bug when Mission 3 couldn't be finished after appearing of the boss head. [*](Patch #4). Fied the bug with Rank skill and killing the boss head in Mission 3. [/list][h2]Play with us,[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27993120/3c473531cb49fec46217dbbadab9867257e5a15e.jpg[/img]