New Update. Version 1.11 is available now!

Age of Defense

Age of Defense is a tower defense game full of mind-blowing mayhem. There are tons of monsters and tough defenders in the game each of which fits perfectly into a funny cartoonish setting.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27993120/84dc41089478c1ccf77aca535ae18a8319f96662.jpg[/img] Hello there, We are keep preparing the game for the full release. We added the last mission to the game. It is mission 15 of Mode #3. It uses the same Boss #5 mechanics with higher difficulty. Our Game Designer had a lot of problems with Boss. So, we are completely reworked it. It seems that now Boss# 5 battle now work flawlessly. We tested and reproduced different situations when game could stuck. It looks like we fixed all of them and Boss #5 Battle should work as good as other boss fights. [img][/img] We are keeping working on optimization as well. First of all, we finally found a way to show a error message in the game. So now, if players meet the bug they can send us info about it. Previously we had no way to do it. And reproduction of bugs was real hell. So, now it gives all necessary information to make the game bug free. Other good news that we optimized the code. FPS was significantly lowered when new monsters appeared on the screen. In some mission with big waves it was really bad. Now appearing of new monsters do not affect fps at all. So, the game works much smoother now. Also, this optimization affect at appearing of preplaced spikes and barricades ( it slowed the game significantly especially at Mission #10). FInally, we put sounds of all World #3 monsters into the game. With abilities, death and etc. Also, we add a new sound type "Scream". It plays from time to time. More monsters on the screen the more ffrequently it plays. Each units has own scream soound. So, it shouldd add more feeling of immersion to the game. [img][/img] [h3]Game Changes[/h3] [list] [*]Appearing time of all tooltips were reduced to 0.7 seconds. [*]Stunning Axes and Battle Trance ability were swapped. Battle Trance became more expensive and much stronger. [*]Size of visual effect of Frost Block was lowered. Now it deals damage before applying invulnerability. [*]Added animations of cast to Vodoo and Ice Mages. [*]Added improved bang animation for Giant Towers if they have Extra Splash ability. [*]Air units have proper effects animations size now. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27993120/7de4bb4df99698b66f5ac7a5893c43c8a40537e5.jpg[/img] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed a critical buп on Mission 12 of Mode #3. The bird boss didn't have boss immunity. It could lead to critical bugs. For example in case when it was affected by hex ability. [*]Fixed a critical bug when units could be spawned endlessly on Mission 9 after defeating the boss. [*]Fixed various bugs with Boss #5 when boss fight could just stack. With transformation to Phase 3; losing a game and starting new one and etc. [*]Visual improvements of Boss #5 Battle. Sзikes and barricades disappear if placed on Boss body. life bars of boss body was removed. Speed of all boss animations was leveled. Fixed the bug which occurred animations glitches in spitting out monsters. [*]Visual fixes of Tyrannosaur and Armored Tyrannosaur animations. [*]Tower can't attack now during cast time animation. [*]Removed blood stains after death of armored lizardmen. [*]Game GUI is no longer affected by game speed setting. [*]Fixed the bug with stone barricade. It showed wrong animation upon destruction. [*]Fixed the bug with effects animation height on towers. [*]Fixed a bug with Ice Shaman Ice spikes when they didn't appear sometimes. [*]Visual fixes of Boss 1 Eye and Boss 2 Coccoon when they left some visual glitches on death. [*]Freeze effect in Mission 13 were improved. [*]Hex no longer affect air units. [*]Duplicator (Mission #5 feature) plays proper animations now. [*]Fixed a bug with slowfish monsters from World #2 when they could leave yellow spots upon death. [*]The game no longer shows tooltips for unavailable missions. [*]Fixed the bug with Wave Start button. When animation wasn't played if waves started automatically. [/list] [h2]Play with us,[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27993120/3c473531cb49fec46217dbbadab9867257e5a15e.jpg[/img]