Maintenance release: Godot 4.1.1

Godot Engine

Godot Engine is a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from a unified interface. It provides a comprehensive set of common tools, so that you can focus on making games without having to reinvent the wheel.

Godot 4.1 was released a month ago, and got its first maintenance release a couple of weeks later. It's finally coming to Steam after a bit of delay, because I (Rémi) was on holiday and Yuri couldn't deploy to Steam yet. Still, here it is with a number of important bug fixes and improvements. Some of the most important changes in this release include: [list] [*]Fix for a crash due to an infinite loop in AnimationStateMachine. [*]Command-line export of C#/.NET projects should no longer drop random files. [*]Custom export options which you can define with an EditorExportPlugin are now correctly restored on the editor restart. [*]For Linux users there is a potential fix for freezes when interacting with menus on Wayland. [/list] [b][url=]See the release blog post for more details.[/url][/b] [i]The illustration picture for this release comes from Gunforged — a 2D roguelite shooter where, you’ve guessed it, construct your weaponry from a huge number of different parts. The game is being made by [url=]Firebelley[/url] with Godot 4 using C#, and is planned to be released later this year. You can wishlist it:[/i]