Maintenance release: Godot 3.3.1

Godot Engine

Godot Engine is a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from a unified interface. It provides a comprehensive set of common tools, so that you can focus on making games without having to reinvent the wheel.

We [url=]released Godot 3.3 a few weeks ago[/url], and feedback so far has been pretty good! But like with any major milestone, there are some bugs which are worth addressing with low-risk maintenance releases to further improve the experience for all Godot users. [b]Godot 3.3.1[/b], [url=]like all future 3.3.x releases[/url], focuses purely on bug fixes, and aims to preserve compatibility. It is a recommended upgrade for all Godot 3.3 users. [b]Read the [url=]release blog post[/url] for details on the changes.[/b] [i]The illustration picture is from [/i][b][url=]Scrabdackle[/url][/b][i], an upcoming action/adventure game with endearing hand-drawn artwork, developed by [url=]jakefriend[/url].[/i]