Godot 3.5: Can't stop won't stop

Godot Engine

Godot Engine is a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from a unified interface. It provides a comprehensive set of common tools, so that you can focus on making games without having to reinvent the wheel.

After 9 months of development, Godot 3.5 is out and it comes fully packed with features and quality of life improvements! While most development focus is on our upcoming Godot 4.0 release, many contributors and users want a robust and mature 3.x branch to develop and publish their games today, so it's important for us to keep giving Godot 3 users an improved gamedev experience. Most of work was aimed at implementing missing features or fixing bugs which are critical for publishing 2D and 3D games with Godot 3.x, and at making the existing features more optimized and reliable. [b]Godot 3.5 is compatible with Godot 3.4.x projects and is a recommended upgrade for all 3.4.x users.[/b] New features include: [list] [*]New Navigation Server with obstacle avoidance [*]Physics interpolation in 3D [*]Better tweening with SceneTreeTween [*]Time singleton [*]Label3D and TextMesh [*]Access nodes by unique names [*]New flow containers [*]Asynchronous shader compilation + caching (ubershader) [*]OccluderShapePolygon (3D) [*]Android editor port and optimizations [*]Material Overlay [*]Other rendering changes [*]Big improvements to VCS UI [*]Hundreds of other improvements [/list] [h2]Check the [url=https://godotengine.org/article/godot-3-5-cant-stop-wont-stop]Release Notes[/url] on the Godot blog for an overview of changes![/h2] If for some reason you [i]do not want[/i] to upgrade, you can switch to the [b]stable-3.4[/b] beta branch to stay on Godot 3.4.5-stable.