A medieval fantasy kingdom builder, management sim and dungeon delver RPG hybrid. Gather resources, hunt wild animals and build infrastructure. Then dive into the dungeons to face the monsters within. Reap the rewards, unlock new resources and advance your tech.
[h1]Closed Beta Release Notes 0.404[/h1]
[*] Build piece filters input is now alphanumeric only
[*] Simple tooltips now clamp to viewable area properly
[*] Fix build piece not always having internal component references on awake
[*] Add new piece filters and search buttons:
[*] New input for searching by Build Piece ID number, with search button
[*] New input for searching Build Pieces by their name or description (case insensitive), with search button
[*] New button to Clear all search inputs and the tags list
[*] Add simple tooltips to new search buttons
[*] Fix ability to delete build pieces:
[*] 1515 - Tower Ladder
[*] 20007 - prop (beehive)
[*] 20013 - prop (handcart)
[*] 20018 - prop (wooden bench)
[*] 20022 - prop (pile of logs)
[*] 20029 - prop (sawhorse)
[*] 7030 - roof window
[*] 7031 - roof window
[*] 7033 - roof window
[*] 20168 - town cart
[*] 20173 - donkey
[*] Block player input for movement/combat when any input field has focus
[*] Enable ambient occlusion on all quality profiles
[*] Disable shadows on all quality levels below high
[*] Add simple error handling and in-game notification if a build piece preview cannot be created (eg. blueprint with a bad data path)
[*] Remove all 50000 (blueprints) series build parts from default build pieces list
[*] Fix builder UI/quality drop down from automatically setting game to Ultra when UI opens
[*] Time and Weather Canvas drop downs are now initialized to the current game settings where applicable when the UI opens
[*] Fix missing renderer on build piece 7016 Thatch Roof Outer Corner
[*] Handle kick input when blocking player input
[*] Change fortification build pieces to default to -1 vertical offset instead of -2, applies to 1503 to 1514
[*] Add snapping for 5m battlements (3040X) on archway (30500)
[*] Remove unnecessary mesh on window shutters 10101, 10103
[*] Changes to snapping to allow for targeting snap points that are positioned away from the model
[*] Fix some UI elements blocking build piece placement (near the top and bottom of the screen)
[*] NEW - with build UI open, use middle mouse button to duplicate an existing build piece to begin new placement
[*] Add note about new ability to Build UI controls panel