v2.3.7 International Patch


A wizard brawler about spell drafting and beard envy, MageQuit allows up to 10 mages to battle it out online or locally. Beards grow longer with each kill; the wizard with the longest beard after 9 rounds wins!

[i]NEW FEATURES[/i][list][*] Automatic Region Calculation (MageQuit will now use the best region server instead of always defaulting to US East) [list][*] When entering online lobby, MageQuit will ping all 13 regions around the world for timing data [*] Ping is now used in quickplay matchmaking calculations, currently only allowing matches to regions within 160ms [*] When starting a match, matchmaker finds the lowest average ping to determine which region server to use [*] Lobby is still global, in that you can still invite friends to your party regardless of their region pings [*] Press Left Shift to see your pings in the online lobby [/list] [*] Team Rejoin for Party Only [list][*] Players can now rejoin a team game if they were disconnected from it [*] Keeps kills (as part of team score) of players who are disconnected [*] Reassigns "disconnected kills" back to player if they rejoin the team game [/list] [*] Added "press A to join" prompt in the online lobby so new players know there is multiple local player support online [/list] [i]BUG FIXES[/i][list][*] Fixed flashing Play Menu bug [*] Fixed bug that would allow you to heal past full health and in some cases add a negative value to your healing score [*] Replacements in quickplay teams now properly retain the kills of leaving players [*] 2 round snake midgame join no longer leaves a spell on the table [*] Fixed bug that prevented players from dying from Volcano while Deflect is active [*] Made lava no longer cover kill trigger of volcano after it rises to a certain height [*] Bubble Breaker no longer counts amount healed on each client [*] Fixed bug that caused inconsistent final scores from being submitted by preventing healing and damage from being scored locally after round scores are submitted to master client [/list] [i]ADJUSTMENTS[/i][list][*] Wind walls now stay up for the first 10 seconds in free for all on Coffin [*] Adjusted spawn points on tower so that player 1 and 2 start equal distance from a ramp [*] Set ranked requirement back to level 15 [/list]