3v3 Shuffle Tournament XVIII


A wizard brawler about spell drafting and beard envy, MageQuit allows up to 10 mages to battle it out online or locally. Beards grow longer with each kill; the wizard with the longest beard after 9 rounds wins!

WHAT IS IT? [list] [*] MageQuit Shuffle is a casual, roughly 4 hour tournament event. [*] Players sign up individually and are assigned a random team each game. [*] All players will play 4 placement matches. [*] The top 24 placing players will move onto the single elim bracket. [/list] [b]Sign up in-game or with command [i]+signup[/i] in the [url=https://discord.gg/magequit]MageQuit Discord[/url][/b] Attendees so far: https://magequit.com/tournaments.php?t=27 MORE INFO [list] [*] Individual score is determined by team wins, damage dealt, healing applied, kills, and deaths. [*] Each of the 6 finalists will receive a game key. [*] The 3 winners will also receive 1000 experience and 500 gems. [/list]