Brigands is a “top-down hack and slash / beat 'em up adventure” game set in a medieval fantasy world. A local co-op game for casual gamers who like high intensity challenges for short periods of time. You can play from 1 to 4 players on a single computer.
[h1]Bug Fixes[/h1]
[*] Sorceress's Dash Forward now properly stops when blocked by the environment.
[*] Fixed animation transitions from falling/knockback states when the player dies.
[*] Corrected the starting location in Forest 2.
[h1]New Changes[/h1]
[*] Paladin's Ground Lightning animation speed has been doubled.
[*] Paladin's Shield Throw is now homing, targeting nearby enemies.
[*] Updated names and descriptions for Relics and Saboteur skills.
[h1]Environment Adjustments[/h1]
[h2]Forest 2[/h2]
[*] Corrected the starting location.
[*] Fixed collision for pushable rocks to prevent getting stuck in the fence during the village puzzle.
[h2]Forest 3[/h2]
[*] Added splash sound effects when falling into the river.