Update Notes - December 14, 2024

[h2][b]New Features[/b][/h2] [list] [*] [b]Tooltips Added[/b]: Tooltips now display on the player HUD for potions, gold, scrolls, skills, and more. [*] [b]Character-Specific Story Endings[/b]: Each character class now has its own unique story conclusion. [*] [b]Enhanced Rolling Rocks[/b]: Rolling Rocks can now be triggered by enemy contact. [*] [b]XP Popups[/b]: A "+XP" popup appears when collecting yellow orbs. [*] [b]Attribute Notification[/b]: A new HUD icon ("+") alerts players when attributes are available to set. [*] [b]Detailed Attribute Panel[/b]: A new detail panel in the Lobby shows the function of each attribute. [/list] [h2][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Removed spawning sounds from spawners. [*] Fixed altar issue: altars with a starting element no longer play unnecessary sounds. [*] Corrected the direction of breakable object destruction (e.g., barrels when broken by Firebeam). [*] Firebeam: [*] No longer collides with collectibles. [*] No longer triggers unintended AoE effects with an elemental buff. [*] Fixed collision filtering for large crates. [*] Resolved gamepad cycling issue in the Lobby/Attributes panel when no attributes were available to set. [/list] [b][h2]Environment Adjustments[/h2][/b] [h3]The Crypt 1:[/h3] [list] [*] Added two new lore entries. [*] Lore 3 moved from the coffin to a nearby location. [*] Introduced new areas with books. [*] The ending sequence now includes more action and is gated by a locked door. [/list] [h3]Forest 2:[/h3] [list] [*] Adjusted bridge collision for smoother traversal. [/list] [h3]Forest 3:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed mine collision issue when the Saboteur or Huntress rolls into it. [*] Paved the path in the dome/pit area for improved navigation. [/list]