Update #5

Survive Together

Survive Together is a 2D world simulator where players are thrown into the many perils of nature, and together, overcome them to build a thriving empire.

[u]Combat, Farming, Screen-Resizing, and more[/u] - The combat system is finally live! If you encounter a person or animal that's not part of your town, and either of you are ready to fight (war mode enabled via tab), you'll be locked in a fight to the death that anyone else can join in on. If you die, you'll become a ghost with the option to respawn at your town center. Damage done is based on the item held on hand, so bare fists do 1 damage per hit, and a stone hammer does 15 damage per hit. Eventually armor ratings, RNG events like crits, blocks, disarms, etc will be implemented to keep things interesting. The farming system is also live! You can now extract seeds from grass, extract dirt from the leftover wild plant with a basket, create a row of soil (need 4 to grow), plant the seed, water it, and well you get the idea. Over time, grass will grow into a new stage every minute over 14 minutes, at which point it can be harvested just like wild grass. The soil can be reused as well (eventually it will need to be refreshed with nutrients) and only needs to be re-watered. More plants and vegetation will come after this, the next being berry bushes. There's also an ESC menu now that has limited functionality, but will be expanded upon in the future. Currently it's useful to get back to the main menu from a game, or to adjust the screen size (which you can also cycle toggle with F3 currently). There have been some optimizations to graphics, stacking, bug fixes, etc which can all be seen below in more detail. [u]Additions[/u] [list] [*]Added squirrel skins stackable to 5 (will go higher eventually). [*]Added squirrel skin bucket. Crafted by stacking 5 squirrel skins, and then 6 twine on top of that. Can be filled at the primitive well (and eventually other water sources) and will be used for various tasks (the first being to water soil for farming). [*]Added squirrel skin bucket of water. [*]Added baskets. Crafted with 14 sticks and 8 twine, baskets will allow people to carry multiple items at a time. [*]Added ability to fill buckets with water from the well, and empty buckets in the wells (if there's room). [*]Added grass seeds (stacking to 18) that can be obtained by using a sharp rock on cut grass. [*]Added the ability to collect soil from cut grass leftover in a basket, and place them in rows of 4. Eventually water and seeds added to the row of 4 soil will begin the growing process. [*]Added ability to water the row of 4 soil (prepping it for a seed, but you can start with a seed too). [*]Added stacking squirrels to 18 instead of just 1 max per tile. [*]Added stacking skinned squirrels to 18 instead of just 1 max per tile. [*]Added stacking baskets to 9, previously 1. [*]Added stacking skewers to 12, previously 1. [*]Added stacking skewers with skinned squirrel to 12, previously 1. [*]Added farming. You can now place grass seeds on a row of 4 soil. If the soil is already watered with a bucket, the growing process will begin, otherwise it needs to be watered first. Currently you only need to water the grass once until maturity, and there are 14 growth cycles before maturity (each taking 1 minute, so it takes 14 minutes to fully mature). Once mature, you can cut the grass down just like the wild tall grass, only you'll be left with the dry soil afterwards. [*]Added a disconnect screen. Now when you disconnect from multiplayer, it will show you a screen allowing you to return to the main menu. Eventually I'll have this screen display stats for the game just played. [*]Added escape menu (press escape in game) which allows you to resume the game, return to the main menu, options and quit. [*]Added options menu which allows adjusting of the screen size (5 sizes right now, each adds a few more visible tiles to the screen). You can currently toggle the sizes through the options menu or by pressing F3. [*]Added the foundation of the combat system. You can now toggle "War Mode" with Tab, which will make it so that if you get within 1 tile of a potential enemy (someone not in your town) it will force both entities to lose control of their characters, and a battle will begin. [*]Added the complete combat system. If you encounter someone from another town (including wild animals) within 1 tile and either have war mode toggled, both will be forced into a duel to the death. Currently exchanging blows every 1 second, damage based on item held and reduced by armor (not implemented yet). Players cannot move during combat and must wait until the battle ends. Battles can be as large as necessary (the entire server can fight each other at once in one big brawl) and anyone can join an ongoing battle. You'll automatically join the side of your friendlies and attack whatever enemy you can. If you have no friendlies in the battle, you'll start randomly attacking any enemy (basically you can have 3+ towns in a battle at once). [/list] [u]Fixes[/u] [list] [*]Fixed dirt graphic for cut grass, and removed seeds. Grass seeds will be extracted when making fiber. [*]Fixed the graphics for fiber to be a lot nicer looking. [*]Fixed a bug where items could be deleted. [*]Fixed a bug where you could interact with items while dead, bringing you back to life. [*]Fixed a bug where dying without leaving the multiplayer server was trying to elect a new leader that didn't exist, and would crash the server. [*]Fixed snow tiles. A few of them were easily identifiable when duplicated, and now the biome feels almost completely natural. [*]Fixed grass tiles. Everything now looks more natural. [*]Fixed movement speed to be 20% slower, feels more natural. Faster and slower movement speeds will be applied in the future based on things such as age and equipment. [/list]