Update 14!

Rise of Man

Rise of Man is a pre historic strategy game with city building and survival elements. Can you guide your people through the ages and conquer all the challenges ahead of them.

Hi Ok this update is partially implemented, there were not enough hours in the day to get it all fully working so its halfway! We now have 3 extra resources, Plant fibre, Leather hides and berries, at the moment when you eat you will be still eating meat even if you have berries as I couldn't get it all done. If you have 3 berries and 1 meat it will only allow 3 people to eat it will take the 3 berries and if you try again the last person should be able to eat. Leather comes from the deer, you will need leather to construct the huts and will be for clothing in the near future. Plant fibre is used for constructing some tools and the hunting station and the hut. I added a load button on the start page eventuallly............... The mac version should be up later this evening. Changed the edge screen movement so if you touch the buttons it wont move the screen. The Russian translation was not ready for today so couldn't get it in as I promised. I will begin switching the animations next week so people only eat meat or berries not meaty berries...