Update #11

Survive Together

Survive Together is a 2D world simulator where players are thrown into the many perils of nature, and together, overcome them to build a thriving empire.

[u][b]Talking, Personality, Relationships, Old Age, Chat Bubbles, Achievements and Image Optimization![/b][/u] - You can now talk to NPC villagers. Currently, you get their attention by using their name (names can be toggled with CTRL + N) within about 5 tiles from them. After that, they'll greet you, stop and face you while waiting for the conversation to continue. Currently you can only ask them a few things such as "Where is camp", where they will then tell you the general direction of the town's center, but over time more conversation options will be added. If you walk away from the villager during conversation or stop talking for about 10 seconds (will vary once the patience trait is added), they'll give a farewell and go back to what they were doing. Some of the other current commands are "Kill yourself" to force the villager to die (will be removed eventually), "Drop that" to force the villager to drop what they're holding, or "Hail Ian" to have the villager respond with "All hail Ian". This will later be changed to "Nai", who will assume the role as one of the first Gods to appear in the game that villages can worship. Ian gets this honor for being one of the first beta testers of the game, so thanks Ian! Personalities have been added to villagers. Currently the only personality trait is laziness, which will add to taking free time between tasks. Eventually it will also factor into conversation personality, requirement for rest/sleep, stamina regeneration and use, etc. Also, other personality traits such as bravery, intelligence, spirituality, etc will come into play to have different impacts on the villager. Relationships are also added. Currently it only works with conversation, where if you talk to a villager or they talk to you, each of you will remember each other, have a rating towards each other and remember your most recent conversation. This will eventually allow you to make friends, allies, rivals, etc based on how you interact with villagers and their traits. For example, someone with a low level of laziness will unlikely favor someone with a high level of laziness if they work together. Villagers can now enter a state of old age, and eventually die of old age. After playing as an adult for some time, your hair will whiten and you'll be in old age. Currently this makes no difference in game play, but a few years (currently a few minutes) after reaching old age, the player will die. Over time, I'll likely change the game so that older players move slower and have less actions (such as not being able to carry heavy objects). When talking, you'll now notice chat bubbles appear besides the heads of villagers instead of open text above their heads. This should make conversations more noticeable. Also, the player chat bubble will hide behind other bubbles, making it easier to read what others are saying if you're stacked together. The first two achievements have been added. Currently you get an achievement for surviving the first day, and also if you survive to day 20. Over time many more achievements will be added, and some viewable by other players. For example, if you complete an achievement that shows that you've used everything that a carpenter can use, others will be able to see that you have mastered carpentry via your achievements, and will likely trust in assigning you the role of town carpenter without having to train you. Images have also been optimized. The size of files, the way they're loaded and the number of files have been optimized. You may notice a small performance boost because of this, although since the game currently has a very low size/asset count, it won't be as easy to notice. Over time, this optimization path will guarantee that no issues are found during gameplay. A list of specific changes can also be seen below. [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*]Added old age. Now after being an adult for a set amount of time, a villager will enter old age. Currently the only impact of this is that your hair will turn more white to indicate that you're in old age, but eventually it may limit tasks or slow you down. [*]Added death by old age. Now after being old for a while, villagers will eventually die of old age. [*]Added old age hair styles. [*]Added old age hair styles to corpses. [*]Added corpse models for children. [*]Added hair to children. [*]Added hair to children corpses. [*]Added the first personality trait, laziness. Currently this only impacts how much extra time AI waits around between doing tasks, but will eventually impact other things such as frequency of accepting commands. [*]Added the relationship system. Currently you trigger a relationship when you talk to someone, but more interactions will be added over time. Characters will remember their previous conversations, rate others based on interactions and react differently based on relationships. [*]Added AI talking. [*]Added chat bubbles. [*]Added different chat bubble sizes. [*]Added AI responding to questions. [*]Added chat command "Drop that", which will force the villager to drop whatever they're holding. Eventually depending on your relationship status, the villager might choose to ignore your command. [*]Added chat command "Kill yourself", which will force the villager to die. (only for testing). [*]Added chat command "Hail Ian", which will have the villager respond with "All hail Ian". I'm keeping this in game until I can implement the God system, where Ian (one of our early beta testers) will be the first God that villagers can choose to worship in return for divine favor (I'll explain that more towards when it's being worked on). Eventually to keep this as an Easter egg, the name will be changed to Nai. [*]Added AI toggle/indicator on the left panel. [*]Added a center camera toggle/indicator to the left panel. [*]Added first achievement, surviving day one. If you make it to the second day, you'll unlock this achievement. [*]Added an achievement for surviving to day twenty. [*]Added wooden building to the item guide. [*]Added logs to the item guide. [*]Added planks to the item guide. [*]Added item guide images to the initial image load to improve first time load performance. [*]Added AI organizing sticks and rock. [*]Added AI organizing sticks and sharp rock. [*]Added AI organizing sticks and twine. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed the twine item guide to show how to create twine. [*]Fixed the soil item guide to show the updated stack limit (now 100, previously 4). [*]Fixed the fiber item guide to show how to create twine. [*]Fixed the fiber item guide to show how to create fiber & tall grass seed. [*]Fixed a bug with AI building roads. [*]Fixed a bug with the AI of the carpenter profession. [*]Fixed the stone hatchet item guide to include planks and logs. [*]Fixed the stone hammer item guide to include planks and logs. [*]Fixed harvesting AI to search harder before assuming their work is complete and then find a new task. [*]Fixed an inefficiency where the adult outlines weren't being used after skin color was added. [*]Fixed image assets by removing older unused models. [*]Fixed the way assets are organized. [*]Fixed a bug where villagers would drop their bodies away from dedicated storage areas upon death. [*]Fixed children corpses to decay into bones after a while. [*]Fixed AI search limitations (they'll now search farther). [*]Fixed the volume of picking up certain items. [*]Fixed the font of the name and profession on the left panel to be similar to the rest of the panel and be more outlined. [*]Fixed image load optimization. Now all images load at the start. [*]Fixed chat bubbles so that the player chat bubble will appear behind other bubbles, making it easier to see what others are saying to you. [/list]