Update #4

Survive Together

Survive Together is a 2D world simulator where players are thrown into the many perils of nature, and together, overcome them to build a thriving empire.

[u]Primitive Well, Traps, Animals, Steam Integration, Tools[/u] - The second town mission is now live! The leader of the town can now place the mission objective to create a primitive well. Currently the leader uses "P" to open the mission selection screen, and then selects a mission with the number keys. Once a mission is selected, the leader can place the mission objective by traveling to the desired tile and pressing "B". This will place the blueprint to create the primitive well (and other missions in the future), which requires someone to dig with a hatchet until it's ready for rocks. Then rocks are places around, and over time the well will fill up with reusable water. The water source will later be used for many things, the first being farming. Now a user can use 8 sticks and 3 twine to create a squirrel snare, which can be placed on a tree. Once placed, over time a squirrel will slowly wander down the tree into the trap. Once the trap is shut, you can remove the squirrel with an empty hand (which will also reset the trap). Eventually traps will require bait, but for now they're free to use. A squirrel can be put down and skinned with a sharp rock. Once the skin is removed, you can use a skewer on the skinned squirrel to prepare the meat for cooking. A skewer can be made by using sticks on a boulder. You can't cook or eat the squirrel yet, but that will come soon. Also, the skins will be used to create the first water pouches, needed to transport water to begin farming. The ability to craft a hatchet (currently used to dig the primitive well) and a hammer (no use yet) by placing sticks on the ground, then placing either a sharp rock (for hatchet) or rock (for hammer) on the sticks, followed by adding twine. Item interaction animations were also optimized to be completely smooth now, in both single-player and multi-player. [u]Additions[/u] [list] [*] Added Sticks & Sharp Rock. [*] Added Sticks & Rock. [*] Added Stone Hatchet. [*] Added Stone Hammer. [*] Added 27 Primitive Well images. [*] Added the profession screen (not completed). [*] Added the ability to choose a professional mission (the first one being the primitive well). [*] Added being able to select a leader mission on the multiplayer server. [*] Added Steam API integration. [*] Added character names to use Steam name. [*] Added ability to place the primitive well mission (Currently as the leader you press "B" over an area where the well can be placed. It must be at least a few tiles away from the stone campfire, but not more than I think 50 tiles). The leader/profession menu can be accessed by pressing "P" while leader or having a profession. You can select missions using the 1-9 keys based on the list of missions. [*] Added the ability to build the primitive well to completion. [*] Added the mechanic where the primitive well refills over time (currently gains a charge every 10 minutes). [*] Added the first tree. [*] Added the squirrel snare. Will be used to capture squirrels from trees. [*] Added squirrels. [*] Added the ability to craft the squirrel snare, place it on a tree, and over time (currently 5 minutes) a squirrel will climb down the tree and get stuck in the trap. [*] Added skewers. Will be used for many things, but first to cook squirrel meat. [*] Added skinned squirrels. Will be used with skewers over a fire to cook the meat. [*] Added squirrel skins. Will be used to craft clothing, contains, etc. Starting with the first water pouch. [/list] [u]Fixes[/u] [list] [*] Fixed the mission graphics to properly draw behind the player. [*] Fixed the player and town screen sizes (no longer covers the player). [*] Fixed a bug where you could only see your own town missions in the world. [*] Fixed a bug where picking up the sharp rock from sticks & a sharp rock wasn't animating correctly towards the player. [*] Fixed a bug where picking up the rock from sticks & a rock wasn't animating correctly towards the player. [*] Fixed being able to add sticks to a sharp rock instead of only sharp rock to a stick. [*] Fixed being able to add sticks to a rock instead of only rock to a stick. [*] Fixed some server side jank which was causing movement/item interaction to not feel as smooth as single player (at least it's fixed in my remote testing at 150 ping, but will need to test how it feels with 200-300 ping). [*] Fixed a bug where the dropping item event was firing off quicker than the travel time from ground to hand, causing dropping to cancel itself out at times. [*] Fixed a bug in multiplayer where dying would cause other players to disconnect. [*] Fixed code so that it's quicker/easier to add new items/actions going forward. [*] Fixed a bug where players could drop items on the mission tiles. [*] Fixed a bug where dropping items in multiplayer would sometimes cause the player to grab the item again right away (thus not letting the player ever drop the item) when experiencing high latency. [*] Fixed chat to now allow lowercase letters. [*] Fixed multiplayer code to be much more efficient (should now hold more players before latency issues). [*] Fixed a bug where the leader announcement wasn't broadcasting in multiplayer. [*] Fixed an issue where trying to move to the bottom of the screen was causing weird behavior on the server. [*] Fixed multiplayer so that if the leader disconnects, it will select a new leader. [*] Fixed multiplayer so that if the leader disconnects and no one else is on, the next person to join the town will become leader (as long as the first stone campfire is already built). [*] Fixed the profession/leader menu to toggle correctly with the character and town screen. [*] Fixed multiplayer, confirmed now running just as smooth as single-player from remote locations. [*] Fixed item pick up. All item pick up animations now look 100% smooth from ground to hand. [/list]