Update #3

Survive Together

Survive Together is a 2D world simulator where players are thrown into the many perils of nature, and together, overcome them to build a thriving empire.

[u]General Update[/u] - As I'm working towards adding the next town mission (the well which provides water) I've added some of the tools needed to get there, such as twine and the hatchet. See below for details. [u]Update 11/25/19[/u] [list] [*] Added Sticks & Sharp Rock. [*] Added Stone Hatchet. [*] Added Sticks & Rock. [*] Added Stone Hammer. [/list] [u]Update 11/23/19[/u] [list] [*] Added 22 Water Well images (will be the town's first supply of fresh water). [*] Added Sticks & Rock, Sticks & RockPick and Sticks & Sharp Rock images (used with twine to craft tools). [*] Added Stone Hammer, Stone Pickaxe and Stone Hatchet images. [/list] [u]Update 11/22/19[/u] [list] [*] Added the ability to stack sticks to 20, up from 1. [*] Right click dropping items will now properly exchange with the item on the ground, provided an exchange can be made. [*] Created 30 twine images (will be used as a rope-like item in game, made from fiber). [*] Twine now in the game, can be made by using a rock on fiber (stacks up to 30). [*] Added rock-picks, which are the headpiece used to make stone pickaxes. [/list] [u]Update 11/20/19[/u] [list] [*] Added the town screen via pressing 'V'. This currently only shows basic town information, but eventually will list stock quantities, professions, needed items (that are worth more points), etc. [*] Fixed the bug where picking up sticks would delete the item currently in hand. [/list] [u]Update 11/19/19[/u] [list] [*] Added a character screen via pressing 'C'. This should show some general character information, such as health, hunger, direction of the town, etc. [/list]