Update #12

Survive Together

Survive Together is a 2D world simulator where players are thrown into the many perils of nature, and together, overcome them to build a thriving empire.

[u][b]Farmer, Stone Mason, Tailor, Blacksmith, Priest, Barkeep, Family Lines, Volume Sliders[/b][/u] - Lots of new content has been added towards the town progression. We now have 6 new professions and buildings, now totaling 8 buildings and a road system that covers the current town layout. Eventually the town will expand to 16 buildings to include more specific shops, housing and more farms. The farmer will grow food and resources such as tall grass, the stone mason will craft stone related objects, the blacksmith will craft metal related objects, the tailor will craft clothing and bags, the priest will pray for blessings and utilize magic and the barkeep will brew alcohol that provides buffs. As time goes on, more content will be developed around these professions and more will be added. Family lines are also now kept track of. Eventually there will be an interface where you can view your brothers, sisters, etc and see their last conversation with you, their appearance, etc. I'm also playing around with the idea of making nameplates appear different colors based on relation. Volume sliders have also been added to the options menu. From there, you can raise or lower the volume individually for both sound and music. A full list of changes can be found below. [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*]Added family lines. The game will now keep track of your brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc. I'm eventually going to make a window similar to the item guide, where it will show a specific villager and their information. Eventually, a more detailed history of all villagers will be added for each town. [*]Added blacksmith shop. The town will now construct the blacksmith shop where weapons, armor and other metal objects will be crafted. [*]Added the blacksmith profession. Once the blacksmith shop is built, a blacksmith will be assigned to work there. Their responsibility will be focused around mining ore, smelting ore and crafting metal based objects. [*]Added the temple. The town will now construct the temple, were villagers will worship their gods and dabble in magic. [*]Added the priest profession. Once the temple is built, a priest will be assigned to work there. their responsibility will be focused around praying for blessings and eventually magical abilities. [*]Added the tavern. The town will now construct the tavern, where villagers will rest, eat, drink, socialize and more. [*]Added the barkeep profession. Once the tavern is built, a barkeep will be assigned to work there. Their responsibility will be focused around brewing drinks and cooking meals. [*]Added the tailor shop, where bags, clothing and more will be crafted. [*]Added the stone mason building. This will be where stone related tools and materials are crafted and stored. [*]Added stone mason AI. Once the stone mason shop is built, a stone mason will be assigned by the leader. They'll be responsible for making stone related tools and objects. [*]Added the town farm. After building the hunter's lodge and carpenter shop, the villagers will start constructing the town farm. This will be one of many potential farms where crops can be grown. [*]Added farmer profession. The farmer is in charge of planting seeds and watering plants. [*]Added AI farming. The town farmer will now set up farming plots, plant seeds and water them. [*]Added villager command "build", which will now potentially command a villager to temporarily take on the task of building. [*]Added the ability to scroll through villagers by clicking the villager number on the town screen. [*]Added 115 new road tiles to the town. [*]Added AI organizing squirrel skin and twine. [*]Added a percentage to the initial loading screen to indicate loading state. [*]Added a hover menu for villagers. If you hold left control and hover the mouse over a villager, a small panel will appear to the right showing their name and some basic information. [*]Added showing name to the villager hover window. [*]Added showing profession to the villager hover window. [*]Added showing relationship to maker if they're still alive to the villager hover window. [*]Added stacking squirrel skin buckets to 6, previously 1. [*]Added stacking squirrel skins to 30, previously 5. [*]Added a volume slider to the options menu for sound effects. [*]Added a volume slider to the options menu for music. [*]Added a "ding" sound effect. Right now only being used for debugging. [*]Added laziness to movement speed. Now if villagers are lazy enough, they'll walk around slower than everyone else. [*]Added blinking for babies. [*]Added blinking for children. [*]Added stacking rocks to 45 (previously 15). [*]Added a talking animation. Now mouths move while talking. [*]Added a delay to AI responses, so it feels more natural. [*]Added AI text command "get sticks", which will force the villager to gather sticks. [*]Added AI text command "get rocks", which will force the villager to gather rocks. [*]Added AI text command "get grass", which will force the villager to gather grass. [*]Added AI text command "get food", "harvest food" and "get berries", which will force the villager to gather berries. [*]Added AI text command "harvest sticks", which will force the villager to cut down dead saplings. [*]Added AI text command "harvest grass", which will force the villager to cut down tall grass. [*]Added AI text command "who are you", where the villager will respond with their name and town name. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed bugs with the farmer AI. [*]Fixed bugs with the hunter AI. [*]Fixed bugs with the carpenter AI. [*]Fixed a bug with building roads. [*]Fixed a bug with placing roads. [*]Fixed a bug with organizing logs. [*]Fixed initial town placement to be more inland and closer to the desert. [*]Fixed loading. There's no longer any wait to load into the start screen, and instead there will be a short load screen when starting a new game or loading an old game, as the loading occurs in the background as soon as the game launches. Note that this loading only occurs once, as once the game is stored in memory, loading again will only take a fraction of a second. [*]Fixed world generation. No longer will the first 6 storage slots be wiped clean at the start of the game. This was put in initially to test organization, but now that villagers will automatically store items upwards, it's no longer needed. [*]Fixed a bug with building farm plots. [*]Fixed a bug with finding a tree for using a squirrel snare. [*]Fixed the power of enemies to be greater. [*]Fixed laziness so that only those with under 10% laziness move faster. [*]Fixed a bug where babies could run at the same speed as adults. [*]Fixed the storage limit of sticks to be half. [*]Fixed a bug with organizing squirrel skins. [*]Fixed clearing areas when assigning professions. [*]Fixed a bug with skinning squirrels. [*]Fixed a bug with crafting rubble. [*]Fixed a bug with crafting fiber. [*]Fixed a bug with building various buildings. [*]Fixed squirrel snares so that only one will be crafted by the AI per village. Eventually building multiples will lower the catch rates to balance things out. [*]Fixed twine storage to be by the tailor shop once built. [*]Fixed fiber storage to be by the tailor shop once built. [*]Fixed a bug with harvesting tall grass. [*]Fixed hunter AI to place traps just outside of the town's potential radius. [*]Fixed a bug where basic job assignments weren't taking into consideration permanent jobs (such as leader, carpenter, etc). [*]Fixed a bug with organizing fiber. [*]Fixed a bug with organizing twine. [*]Fixed the spawn rate of tall grass. Now spawns 50% less often. Since it can be grown easily now, there's quite a bit of it. [*]Fixed the storage location of sticks to be by the carpenter shop once it's built. [*]Fixed a bug where NPCs could become and remain as ghosts. [*]Fixed a bug with AI organizing sharp rocks. [*]Fixed storage location of blueberries and cut tall grass to be on the farm. [*]Fixed a bug with organizing cut tall grass. [*]Fixed a bug where pregnancies would wait until morning even when night was turned off. [*]Fixed a bug where not all farm plots were being used. [*]Fixed rubble, rocks, sharp rocks and stone hammer store locations upon building the stone mason shop. [*]Fixed a bug where electing a new town leader could fail, leaving the position in limbo. [*]Fixed the ability to pick up a squirrel skin bucket of water. [*]Fixed a bug with building the farm. [*]Fixed a few bugs with AI not storing away irrelevant items during tasks. [*]Fixed a bug with AI crafting planks. [*]Fixed harvesting tall grass to be closer within range of the town. [*]Fixed town size to cap at 15, previously 21. There were too many idle villagers for the current size. [*]Fixed a bug where the farmer profession wouldn't show on the left panel. [*]Fixed a bug where selecting one of the town professional villagers, it could crash the game if the current position is empty. [*]Fixed initial loading times to be faster. [*]Fixed the primitive well to spawn water faster (more water every 60 seconds, previously 600 seconds). [*]Fixed a bug where villagers would try to organize soil being used for farming. [*]Fixed a bug where town available water wasn't being calculated correctly. [*]Fixed a bug where the organize twine task was being assigned incorrectly. [*]Fixed a bug where the organize squirrel snare task was being assigned incorrectly. [*]Fixed a bug where a skinned squirrel on a skewer would be invisible. [*]Fixed a bug where pregnant AI could sometimes pick up items as becoming pregnant and then get stuck with an item. [*]Fixed a bug where dying villagers could potentially have their held item disappear upon death. [*]Fixed a bug with AI crafting squirrel skins. [*]Fixed AI eating so that villagers won't wander off too far looking for food. [*]Fixed hunter AI to organize their shop items. [*]Fixed a bug where items on storage piles of other items were considered properly stored. [*]Fixed town size adjustments as the town grows. [*]Fixed the amount of rocks and boulders that spawn (increased). [*]Fixed a bug where AI would attempt to search tiles outside of existence. [*]Fixed harvesting to only cut down trees, grass and dead saplings when more of those resources are needed. [*]Fixed a bug with the new location of the primitive well. [*]Fixed farmer AI to organize farm related materials. [*]Fixed a bug where picking up an item could face the item the wrong way or hide it completely. [*]Fixed storage locations to adjust once relevant buildings are constructed. [*]Fixed a bug with organizing soil. [*]Fixed a bug with organizing tall grass seed. [*]Fixed a bug where the game could crash upon starting a new game after closing a previous one. [*]Fixed a bug where non-adults could be assigned new town roles. [*]Fixed hunter AI to organize dead squirrels. [*]Fixed a bug with AI organizing dropped baskets of rubble. [*]Fixed a bug where the deathly overlay wouldn't cover the screen in full screen mode. [*]Fixed a bug where the AI carpenter wasn't crafting planks as often as they should. [*]Fixed starting tribe/village to share the same initial skin coloring. [*]Fixed a bug where FPS would drop if you lose focus of the game window. [*]Fixed a bug with the crafting plank AI. [*]Fixed logs to create 3 planks instead of one. [*]Fixed dead sapling spawn rate to be increased. [*]Fixed a bug with AI basket crafting. [*]Fixed a bug with image caching. [*]Fixed a bug with AI talking where sometimes they'd not respond. [*]Fixed a bug with AI organizing rubble. [*]Fixed a bug where AI would sometimes try to eat when full. [*]Fixed the item guide for rocks to reflect the new stack limit (45 up from 15). [*]Fixed a bug with the assigning the hunter profession. [*]Fixed a bug with talking to AI where they would sometimes not pay attention to you. [*]Fixed a bug where the game would crash when killing a rat. [*]Fixed attack animations for children. [*]Fixed attack sequence performance (no more lag). [/list]