update #15

Survive Together

Survive Together is a 2D world simulator where players are thrown into the many perils of nature, and together, overcome them to build a thriving empire.

[u][b]Metal Forge, Iron Ingots, Ash and Realistic Lighting[/b][/u] - One of the main tools of a blacksmith is now ready, the metal forge. A town carpenter will construct it using stone bricks, and it will be used to burn ores, pellets and more into more refined materials. The forge first needs a coal brick, which then can be crushed down into finer coals using a stone hammer. After that, you can add either 4 iron ores or 5 iron pellets to start the refining process which takes about a minute. After, the coals will burn to ash and you'll be left either with an iron bloom or an iron ingot. Four iron ores burn into one iron bloom, which can be cracked open with a stone hammer to reveal three iron pellets. Five iron pellets can be burnt into one iron ingot. You can then extract the remaining ash using a basket. Iron ingots will be used to craft many different metal items, such as the anvil, iron tools and more. In time there will be other metals introduced such as copper, gold and more that will be crafted in a similar way to the iron ingots. Ash will remain in the forge after burning ores or pellets. Once the bloom or ingot is removed, you can extract the ash using a basket. Ash will be used by the barkeep with water to create a clay substitute called ash glaze. The ash glaze will be used to create cups, bowls and other useful items that can be hardened in a kiln. The town campfire will now also radiate more realistic looking lighting. Instead of lighting the entire square tiles, it will now light in a circular arch. In time, the light will be more animated and work for other light sources to come such as torches and the forges. A full list of changes can be found below. [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*]Added the metal forge. The forge is used to create iron blooms from iron ore, and iron ingots from iron pellets which are extracted from the iron blooms. [*]Added iron blooms. You can now burn 4 iron ores on the forge to create an iron bloom after about a minute. The forge first needs a coal brick, and then the coal brick needs to be crushed down with a stone hammer before use. The iron bloom can be hit with a stone hammer to break away the slag and reveal an iron pellet. Iron blooms stack to 30. [*]Added ash. You can now extract ash from a forge after processing iron ore or iron pellets using an empty basket. Ash will soon be used in mixing with water to create ash glaze, which the barkeep will use as a substitute for clay. They'll be able to mold the ash glaze into cups and bowls and then cooked in a kiln to solidify. Ash stacks to 10. [*]Added basket of ash. [*]Added coal brick stacking to 6, previously 1. [*]Added AI organizing coal bricks. The town blacksmith will now organize any loose coal bricks. [*]Added AI crafting the metal forge. The town carpenter will now craft the metal forge in the blacksmith shop when possible. [*]Added starting the game as a village to not only start with 15 villagers, but also start with a complete village (all roads, buildings, tools, etc). Some materials will still need to be crafted or gathered, but it starts off with a decent amount of supplies. [*]Added AI iron bloom crafting. Once the metal forge is prepped, the AI blacksmith will add chunks of iron ore and start processing them into an iron bloom (takes roughly a minute of burning to produce a bloom). [*]Added AI forge prepping. The AI blacksmith will now prep the metal forge by adding a coal brick and crushing it into smaller pieces with a stone hammer, allowing the addition of iron ore or iron pellets. [*]Added AI organizing iron blooms. The AI blacksmith will now stockpile any loose iron blooms, whether laying on the ground or at the forge. [*]Added AI organizing ash. The AI blacksmith will now stockpile any loose ash, whether laying on the ground or at the forge. [*]Added iron pellets. You can now crack open iron blooms with a stone hammer to reveal iron pellets, which can be melted together with 4 other iron pellets on the forge to create an iron ingot. Iron pellets stack to 37. [*]Added iron ingots. You can now melt 5 iron pellets into an iron ingot on the metal forge, which will be used to create all kinds of metal objects. Iron Ingots stack to 15. [*]Added AI organizing iron pellets. The AI blacksmith will now organize any loose iron pellets. [*]Added AI crafting iron pellets. The AI blacksmith will now crack open iron blooms to reveal iron pellets. [*]Added rounding to light sources. Previously the light from the campfire would only illuminate the entire surrounding tiles, basically square light. Now the light will appear more rounded in a more realistic radiating way. [*]Added a link to the discord server on the main menu. [*]Added AI organizing iron ingots. The town blacksmith will now stockpile any iron ingots at the forge or laying around. [*]Added AI crafting iron ingots. The town blacksmith will now craft iron ingots on the forge using 5 iron pellets when possible. [*]Added weaving, sticks & rock pick, squirrel skin robe, cooked squirrel, rock pick, iron ingot, iron quarry, ash, basket of ash, cooked squirrel on skewer, sewing table, grindstone, mason workbench, loom, metal forge, coal forge, spinning wheel, stone bricks, stone pickaxes, iron blooms, iron ore, iron pellets, coal bricks and blueberries to the shift-hover tool-tips. [*]Added speed boost to walking on wooden floor tiles. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where the leader of the town wouldn't get reassigned if the player controlled the leader upon death. [*]Fixed a bug where the blacksmith would try to organize already organized coal bricks. [*]Fixed a bug where the blacksmith would endlessly craft coal bricks. [*]Fixed a bug where AI would consider the storage location for squirrel skin robes to be a good potential crafting area. [*]Fixed a bug where the hunter AI would continue skinning squirrels before organizing already skinned squirrels. [*]Fixed the performance of interacting with items. [*]Fixed a performance issue with calculating item counts. [*]Fixed a bug where there could be two town leaders simultaneously. [*]Fixed a major performance issue (rare screen flicker that now appears completely resolved). [*]Fixed a bug where the AI farmer would sometimes not organize squirrel skin buckets of water. [*]Fixed a bug where the AI farmer would sometimes not organize baskets of soil. [*]Fixed AI eating so that the entire town doesn't rush for newly added food the instant it's available. [*]Fixed a bug where if any in-game menus were open during returning to the main menu, and a new game was made or loaded, the menus would still be open at the start. [*]Fixed a bug where pregnancy was resetting professions. [*]Fixed the stamina cost for mining and digging the quarry to be 5x cheaper. [/list]