[UPDATE 1.03] Now with Ingame progression!


Woodpunk is an exhilarating roguelike bullet hell retro pixel art shooter in a medieval Woodpunk universe, where the primary energy resource is WOOD.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33021242/60bc6df4913d3f4fe3ce533be631e4449430f52d.png[/img] [h1]NEW STUFF[/h1] [list] [*] Woodpunk now has [b]Character Perks[/b], which expand the [b]in-game progression system[/b]! Grab a perk or a high power weapon at the end of each level to improve your odds at victory for that run! [*] Introducing [b]+1 weapons[/b], rare drops which have greater durability and slightly higher damage! [*] Did a [b]heavy optimization round[/b]. Reduced loading times significantly, as well as overall performance on slower systems. [*] Slight [b]improvements to interface[/b]: You can now quit the game completely from anywhere in the game. [/list] [h1]BALANCE[/h1] [b]Okay, we did it. The game's a little less hard now. You folks happy?[/b] [list] [*] [b]Nerfed the Il Doge and War Machine[/b] fights a bit - Now they spawn less enemies beside them. [*] [b]Reduce base skeleton health by 30%[/b]. They're much easier to kill now, but just as lethal! [*] [b]Lower level chainblades now have more ammo[/b] before they have to be reloaded. Level 3 chainblade stays the same. [*] Very slightly [b]increased health pack drop frequency.[/b] [*] Slightly [b]increased the range of the Woodplank™.[/b] [*] Buffed air regeneration on the SpinnerPunk suit. [*] Made [b]the weapon fabrication cooldown[/b] for Theo a little more lenient in [b]Survival mode[/b] (much needed!). [*] Nerfed speed on FastPunk a tiny weenie bit. [*] Higher level scrap guns now deal a little less damage. Level 1 scrap guns stay the same. [*] Important rebalance to the artifact stages. They don't get much harder overall, but there will be less time to breathe: Enemies now spawn more frequently, but in smaller numbers. [/list] [h1]BUGS[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where players would occasionally get stuck to the "Protect mode" machine, when using the fireball attack from the new FlamePunk suit. [*] Fixed a rare bug where sometimes Theo would get stuck when trying to transform into a wall. [*] Fixed an issue with Il Doge killing you at the same time as he dies. [*] Theo's electric blast attack now goes through the Shieldbearer's shield, as it should. It's not like shields are Faraday cages. [*] Fixed a couple animation issues with the Il Doge boss. They were introduced during a recent optimization round. [*] Fixed an issue with MilitiaPunk seldom retaining his no-bullet spending skill until the end of the level. [*] Fixed a small bug in breaking weapons which could cause minor lags in gameplay every now and then. [*] Fixed a number of issues with the handling of the FlamePunk suit's fireball mechanic [*] And many more! [/list] [h1]Comments[/h1] We’ll keep it short this time guys, even though this is probably the biggest update so far. This time we’ve changed your biggest complaints with WOODPUNK; the game’s difficulty and the in game progression. Finally we’ve added [b]ingame progression [/b], something we had planned early in development. This adds a lot of content to the game, some of it exclusive to each world map. Before you enter the pod to travel to the next stage, it will craft 3 perks but may only choose one of them. These may include; bettering your weapons, increasing your health, dealing more damage, increasing the durability of your weapon… About WOODPUNK’s difficulty, okay…yeah…[i]maybe[/i] the game was too hard, or we were just over estimating your skill [i] (probably the latter)[/i]. There, here you go, the game’s easier, congrats. [u][b]As always guys, tell us what you think, and thanks to all of you who helped us with the Beta version![/b][/u] [EDIT] By the way, this new perk system hasn't been translated to other languages (just Spanish and English) but it will be soon!