Christmas Update V1.01.00 22/12/2018


Woodpunk is an exhilarating roguelike bullet hell retro pixel art shooter in a medieval Woodpunk universe, where the primary energy resource is WOOD.

[img][/img] [h1]PATCH NOW LIVE! [/h1] [b]This one’s a biggie [/b]: - [b] Final Boss now included! [/b] - New suit: [b]SANTAPUNK [/b] - Christmas Theme throughout the game! - More story in Story Mode! - Arrow pointing in the WORLD MAP where to go next! - [b]Controls are now fully customizable[/b] - [b]Adjust your controllers vibration[/b] - [b]Music and sound can be now regulated independently.[/b] - Color blind mode! - Sticky Trigger option is available! [b]Hi guys! [/b] For the last weeks we’ve been listening to your feedback through the Steam discussion forum and our official [url= ]Discord [/url] ( ) Thanks a lot for your help and feedback! Now WOODPUNK has gained a lot through Quality of Life improvements and new content, especially in the “Options” area! [h1]NEW CONTENT[/h1] [u]FINAL BOSS[/u] At last! We’ve got the boss working as intended! In World 5 after defeating the boss rush, you will have to fight against Maria de Medici’s fortress. Yes, against the whole fortress! A small explanation of this the boss fight: Phase 1: • Destroy the generators to lower the protective wall! Phase 2: • Destroy the Hand Towers before they kill you! Phase 3: • Destroy the Laser! Tell us what you think of it please! [u]SANTAPUNK[/u] - Buy yourself the best Christmas present for only [b]50.000 scrap[/b], get the SANTAPUNK suit now, before the offer ends! [i]Once the Christmas festivities end, you will no longer be able to buy SANTAPUNK until next Christmas[/i]. - Help SANTAPUNK eliminate the naughty-list villagers! Hand-out exploding gifts or piercing candy cane through-out Italy. - Health-packs are now big and gift wrapped, [i]as there’s no gift as life itself.[/i] - SANTAPUNK’s jetpack will recharge 100% faster! - BUT, you will move 20% slower when walking! - We’ve reintroduced an old mechanic to this suit. Thanks to SANTAPUNK’s [i]big[/i] proportions….he will bounce against structures when he crashes! [i]In the early days (a couple of weeks ago) the jetpack worked like this, but less “exaggerated”[/i] [u]Christmas Theme[/u] - Italy is now Christmas themed! Villagers have decorated their settlements to rejoice in the happiness of the holidays, ready for your destruction! - Aquinas & Theo have also rested from their murdering tendencies and decorated their lab! - Spearmen have dressed up as Santa helpers in attempt to confuse you, don’t fall to their trickery and kill them! [u]More story in the Story Mode[/u] We’ve heard you guys felt that the story mode was as bit lacking in story…sorry! So now after killing a boss you’ll see a snipit into Aquinas’ past history with each particular boss. [h1]QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENTS[/h1] This is where you guys came into play the most! We’ve dropped every suggestion you’ve had on how to improve WOODPUNK and have implemented a lot of them in this patch! We continue working on them as we write, so if you have any suggestion join our Discord server, or contact us through WOODPUNK’s steam forum! First, we’ve seen new players weren’t starting in World 1, so they were having difficulties with the progression system. Now there’s a big arrow pointing at where you should go next! Now to the biggie, the options menu! [u]New Options[/u] - At last! [b]Controls our now fully customizable [/b], from mouse, gamepad and keyboard! [i]This has been in the works for a while now…[/i] - Now you can [b]adjust your controllers vibration [/b], [i]feel each and every explosion[/i] - [b]Music and sound can be now regulated independently[/b]. So you can turn off the soundtrack, but keep hearing the [i]excruciating[/i] screams of the enemy. - We’ve included new [b]color blind mode![/b] - [i]At last, what a lot of you have asked for[/i], [b]Sticky Trigger[/b] option is available! Now you do not need to right click/trigger each time you want to shoot! So this is it guys, thanks for your feedback! As always, [b]we’re open to every suggestion you may have! Drop it down over in our[url= ] Discord server[/url] ( or on WOODPUNK’s steam forum![/b] See you next time! The Dev Team