New Enhancement System: July Update


Woodpunk is an exhilarating roguelike bullet hell retro pixel art shooter in a medieval Woodpunk universe, where the primary energy resource is WOOD.

[img][/img] [h1]CONTENT[/h1] [list] [*] A new "ENHANCEMENTS" system! Get those lumbernetic implants on board! Once you've defeated a boss, you can use some of its powers to temporarily buff yourself for your next game run! [*] Enhancements now get saved in your savefile: You may buy them and leave the game, and not lose them as long as you don't start a story mode game :) [*] Made the interface on the Enhancements a little better, with slightly better feedback. [*] Added a sound for when the player gets hooked. [*] Finished Spanish translation for the new enhancement system. [*] Gave the Survival mode lab item some love: Now it's a large portal to another world instead of a small wooden pod! [*] Fixed the way gamepads are recognized at startup, in regards to having or not priority over keyboard/mouse. This now rights keyboard/mouse players with gamepads from having to manually change to keyboard/mouse whenever a gamepad was connected. This also particularly affected a few people that have keyboard expansions. [*] Some more visual flair for the FlamePunk suit's fireball ability. [*] When playing a 2 player game, Theo's wrist-gun now has sticky trigger/auto fire. [*] Some more work on sounds. [*] Updated Magyar (Hungarian) translation. [/list] [h1]BALANCE[/h1] [list] [*] Nerfed the damage done by the World 3 boss' weakest weapons. [*] Made the fire from the World 3 boss easier to tell apart from the player's own fire. [*] Significantly nerfed the difficulty of the "Protect the machine" stage in World 5. [*] Big buff to the chainblade: It's now 8 pixels longer (+40% reach!). [*] Slightly buffed the level 1 and level 2 spears: The tossing force is a little stronger. [*] Made the hitbox for the WoodPlank™ a little less picky when it comes to smashing enemies. Overall this should improve the feel and usefulness of the weapon. [*] Made stage 4.3 easier. [*] Made the 4th boss fight slightly harder (in both story and survival mode). [*] Made level end a little slower after destroying the artifacts, to give a little more time to move away from the falling pod :) [/list] [h1]BUGS[/h1] [list] [*] Higher-tier crossbow guys no longer keep firing when they're frozen. [*] Disabled pausing in certain menus in the lab (could eventually lead to some problems). [*] Fixed a rare bug where you could die when the screen went white after completing an artifact mission [*] On-screen arrows pointing to the corners of the screen where artifacts are now disappear when the artifact is destroyed. They didn't due to a bug introduced earlier on during the development of v1.03.XX. [*] Cleaned up a few minor graphic glitches. [*] Fixed a rare bug where a Brute would stay floating there forever if killed with a spear that broke exactly at the moment when he was grabbing an object to toss. [*] Cleared a minor, but general interface problem in the lab. [/list] Hi again guys, We have [b]new content[/b]…again! This time we’ve included a new [b]Enhancement System[/b] which will make some runs a tad easier, while also work as scrap dump for that extra scrap you have laying around. So now you have [b]more progression[/b] in the game; the recently added [b]perk system[/b], and the [b]enhancement system[/b]. Now when you enter the lab you will see an enormous statue where Aquinas’ new enhancement system is found. [b]After defeating a World Boss [/b]you will steal back these enhancement, dump some spare scrap, and use these enhancements in the next run… but be careful! Y[b]ou will only be able to use it once[/b], so[b] if you die[/b] during a run, you will have to p[b]ay for this enhancement again[/b]. We’ve also been working on many other things; heavily [b]balanced the game[/b] (again) and [b]fixed lots…. and lots of bugs[/b] . We would really like to thank the community again for its help! Hope you enjoy! Meteorbyte Studios. [h1]P:S. At the moment the game is fully localized in English, Spanish, Korean, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. Rest of the languages coming soon![/h1]